Soulmate String ♡--------♡

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The morning sun shone brightly, almost blinding Shadow as he strolled over the grassy hill. Rouge was just in front, her flapping wings providing a gentle breeze for the ebony hedgehog.

Shadow would've preferred to stay inside, curl up on the couch and devour a bag of coffee beans, but all mobians were outside, waiting for the special event. Indestructible red strings made of chaos energy were prophesied to appear on every mobian's wrist, guiding them to their soulmate. 

Shadow had no belief in such things. The only soulmate he'd ever had was Maria. But she was a best friend, a sister. These soulmate strings were said to lead you to your romantic partner. 

There were others nearby, huddled into small groups awaiting the crimson string that would lead them to their true love. Some couples held each other's hands fearfully, worried that fate would separate them. 

Rouge landed her heels on the ground, and flopped onto the grass. She sat hugging her knees, watching all kinds of folks making their way around on the lush, green grass. Shadow followed suit, sitting down next to his friend with his legs crossed. He leaned his elbow on his knee, with his chin in his hand. 

"I know who you're hoping for," Shadow murmured watching the hopeful spark in the bat's eyes. 

The glimmer in Rouge's teal eyes dissipated and she turned her head sharply to Shadow, saying in defiance, "I don't know what you mean."

A small smirk appeared on the dark hedgehog's tan muzzle, "No?"

"...No," Rouge turned away to pluck a small daisy from the grass.

"Didn't he get you a bouquet of daisies?" Shadow raised an eyebrow, watching Rouge twiddle the flower in her fingers.  

The white bat bit her lip and looked up to gaze out over the field of green, covered in a sea of excited mobians. 

"Fine, I hope it's him. Is that what you wanted to hear?" Rouge glanced at Shadow with a red tinted face. 

Shadow closed his eyes, absorbing the sun and the cool summer breeze. 

"I wish the best for you, even if Knuckles isn't your soulmate."

Rouge smiled warmly, before her smile turned into a teasing smirk. 

"Who do you think your soulmate is?"

Shadow cracked one eye open, furrowing his brows at Rouge, "I don't think I'll get one, even if I do, I'm not pursuing romance."

Rouge rolled her eyes, "I thought you'd say that. Y'know a little romance might do you some good. Get you out of the house more and have you brooding less." 

Both of Shadow's eyes were open now, glaring at Rouge with an unamused expression. Just when they were getting along and sharing a friendly moment. He had half a mind to not get up and walk off. 

Excited squeals and a flood of sobbing voices broke Shadow and Rouge from their conversation, darting their heads around wildly to see what was happening. It was time. Strings of red could be seen at every angle, some even passing through Shadow and Rouge like a ghost. 

"Gosh, are we going to have see strings everywhere for the rest of time?" Shadow grumbled as he stood up. 

Rouge clambered to her feet, "No hun, everyone else's but your own will be invisible after 24 hours. It's just the first day that we can see everybody's."

The white bat looked down in awe at her wrist, a small gasp from her bubblegum pink lips causing Shadow to notice too. A red, slightly translucent string wrapped itself around the bat's wrist and trailed diagonally. Rouge watched with hope as she noticed the direction it was heading. Angel Island. 

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