Blossoming Under The Moon

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Author's Note: I thought of this idea yesterday, went to write it today and discovered it was Moon Day! So I thought I'd include it in this one-shot lol. Also, important note, I believe that in Sonic's universe, humans landed on the moon before they did in the real world. Because according to Google, the first space station launched in 1971, but in Sonic's world the ARK was around in the 1950s? Sonic's world has achieved a whole lot more than our world so I think they'd have gone to the Moon before creating a giant space station to sustain human life and create a giant lizard and the ultimate life form. lol. Anyways I hope you enjoy :)


The silver glow from the Moon was like the most powerful stage lighting, bathing Mission Street in a soft glow that was drowned out by the artificial light from yellow streetlamps and windows peering into shops. Though it was such a comforting and mystical place, there was still lots of busy movement from shoppers pouring in and out of diners, retailers and convenience stores. Mission Street emitted a modern aura with lavish boutiques and stylish architecture that was home to many people who roamed the streets at night, indulging themselves in what the local shops had to offer. 

However, on this breezy winter night, Sonic was only interested in what the night sky had to offer, and boy did it have a sight to behold. The scattered, shining orbs were a glorious backdrop for the main course; the Moon. He couldn't wait to go higher to get a better view. But the blue hedgehog found himself reluctant to part with the smooth tarmac that made the perfect track for his high-speed runs. It was always fun to fly past stores and watch as the colourful lights all around him became a kaleidoscope as he zoomed by.

His ears twitched as he picked up bits and pieces of conversations he ran past and the noisy laughter and chatter of citizens on both sides of the road. He heard the excited shrieks of a group of young women who he raced past, their dresses blowing in the harsh wind that followed in the blue blur's wake. Lots of people recognised him but most didn't get the chance to call out to him, as he'd leave just as quickly as he'd come. Sonic skirted around cars and leapt over trash cans; he swerved around signs and weaved through bollards as he switched between the road and the sidewalks. 

Sonic veered around a corner that headed onto a quieter street, now moving out of the central business district and into the inner city. This particular street was lined only on the left with mostly convenience stores rather than diners or boutiques. On the right was a stone wall, and in some areas where light was lower, graffiti could be found painted onto the stone. Sonic slowed his pace ever so slightly, continuing down the line of idle shops. He dodged some parked cars, springing over, sliding under or twisting past them, until he started running back towards the central most point of Central City. 

His jade green eyes scanned over the tall buildings, deciding which one would be his perch to observe the starry ether. Somehow, his eyes caught a familiar figure already resting on one of those rooftops. Sonic frantically hit the brakes, halting to a stop as he desperately looked back up to see if he'd been certain. His eyes hadn't deceived him. 

Atop a tall, well-lit establishment containing a crowd of fancy diners, Shadow the Hedgehog stood with his head towards the sky. The moonlight shone down onto the ebony hedgehog at an angle, creating an ethereal white outline that quickly captured Sonic's attention. The cerulean mobian stood awestruck, his heart thumping loudly in his chest. Even in his state of pure admiration for the other, he was still oblivious to his own affections, simply writing it off as admiring the moonlight, not the one bathed in it. With Shadow faced away from Sonic and the moon directly in line with his form, it cast a shadow that obscured his features, the recognisable outline of his upturned quills being the thing that identified the mobian as Shadow. The view of his dark silhouette against the celestial body perfectly displayed the loner's mysteriousness, which only served to make Sonic's heart drum louder and louder, banging against his chest so hard it hurt. 

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