Tumble down the Hill

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"Woooooooo!" A blue hedgehog's voice rippled through the small jungle, bouncing from one tree to another. His heart pounded with a fierce determination; to get ahead of his opponent. Sonic's feet shifted on his extreme gear, turning the hoverboard slightly to avoid an incoming tree. To his left, a figure similar to his own, winded through the trees with elegance and hast. 

It was always a thrilling experience to race against Shadow, now even more so because of the hoverboards. Tails had spent long days and sleepless nights to perfect these new boards and the two hedgehogs had been more than willing to take them out for a test run. 

Sonic's jade eyes flicked over to his rival. He watched as Shadow leaned back and drove the hoverboard up to grind a vine. The dark-coloured hedgehog maintained his balance on the vine that winded further up into the canopy. Sonic returned his focus to the course ahead of him, just in time to avoid a large tree root. His gaze zipped around wildly, looking for a vine to help him gain some altitude as well. He soon spotted a decent vine that looked promising, so he jumped - flipping the board - and landed perfectly on the vine. He bent his legs, a smirk forming on his face, the feeling of the cool jungle breeze and adrenaline running through him was addictive. 

The bright afternoon sun was barely able to protrude through the lush canopy and normally Sonic would miss the feeling of the sun's warmth on his fur, but today the damp, mossy green jungle floor and the shady, cool breeze was all he wanted. Maybe not all he wanted. The race against his biggest rival (and the rival himself) was a big contributor to the blue hero's good mood. 

Sonic soon found himself slightly ahead of Shadow, so he turned his body to face the black and red hedgehog and do what he does best: taunt him. 

Sonic smirked with his arms crossed, "I thought you said you were gonna win?" He sucked on his teeth to further annoy the other, "But, then again, I have had a lot more practice on extreme gear than you."

Sonic's heart sped up at seeing Shadow's face curl into a scowl. The ebony hedgehog's face tinted a slight red, embarrassed at his inability to stay ahead of Sonic. 

"The race isn't over yet!" Shadow called out, before he thrust himself off the vine, landing silently with grace on the grassy floor below. He pushed forward, hurtling himself faster, eager to beat his smug rival. 

Sonic turned his body forward once more, his eyes following the refined movements of the Ultimate Life Form. His heart skipped a beat, but Sonic immediately wrote it off as the adrenaline he always got in an exciting moment. The vine Sonic was grinding on was coming to an end, sloping up and stopping at a tall tree, so he joined Shadow on the ground with a less than perfect thump. 

The dense woodland was beginning to thin out, the copper sun tucking itself under the horizon came into view. Sonic's rival was just ahead of him, zooming past a row of bushes and jumping - flipping the board - over shabby fallen branches. Sonic tailed Shadow closely, aiming to bump him ever so slightly to throw him off and make him nervous. Though Shadow kept his eyes trained ahead, his piercing crimson gaze keen and aware. 

As their boards drove over a pile of leaves, they flew up into the air, whooshing and floating back down to settle on the forest floor again. A fallen tree trunk laid in their path, so Shadow swiftly leapt over it. Meanwhile, Sonic surmounted the hurdle, landing his board roughly on the bark, hearing the ear-grating scrape. He leaned forward and pushed himself off the trunk, rolling the fallen tree back slightly. His cherry red shoes parted with the board for a moment to do a front flip, which propelled himself ahead of Shadow. 

This time, he touched down perfectly on the blue board, boosting ahead with a victorious, triumphant smirk on his muzzle. Shadow's eyes widened momentarily, taken aback by the sudden increase of the azure hedgehog's effort in winning the race. His eyes refocused, not allowing himself to lose just because Sonic got in a lucky move close to the finish line. They were nearing a mass of slender trees, thin enough to wind through like cones in a kid's obstacle course. Sonic maneuvered through the slim saplings hastily, his heart banging against his chest. He was so close, he could almost see the bottom of the mound. As soon as he hurtled past the last tree and flew down to the bottom of the hill, he would cross the fictitious finish line he and Shadow had declared before their race. 

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