Chapter Eight

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As Christina pulled up to the front of My house, she turned to me with a concerned expression. "Are you going to be okay?" She asked softly.

"Yea, I'll be fine," I nodded giving her a weak smile. "Thanks for taking me home."

"I could stay with you, if you want." She hesitated, "Just until you feel better."

After all of that crying and throwing up I did earlier I understood why she would want to stay with me.

I appreciated her offer but I shook my head. "I think I need some time alone tonight," I whispered. Crying over a man who cheated on me... I was pathetic. I don't love him or care about him anymore, but it doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt.

I felt bad sending her away but she only nodded her head understandingly. "Okay, just get some sleep and call me later, alright?"

"I will," I promised as I got out of the car. I just needed to be alone.

I dragged myself to my room and fell into bed. I buried myself into the sheets, hoping that sleep would take over soon. A few hours went by before I woke up with a terrible headache. I made my way to the kitchen and poured myself a cup of water.

I thought I heard a sound coming from down the hall, but I knew my father wasn't home. I went to check the front door and it was unlocked. Did he come home? He must have came home when I was asleep. I locked the door and went to greet him. His light was off and i didn't hear a single sound come from his room.

"Daddy?" I called, but he didn't answer me. "Him probably a sleep," I whispered. 

I noticed the door next to his room was slightly open. He never left that room open. He must have forgotten to close it then. I went to close the door but once my hand touched the knob a thought crossed my mind. What was he hiding in this room? No... I should close this door and walk away. But I won't ever get another opportunity like this again. It was as if it was taunting me to go inside.

 I sighed and bit my lip. I squeezed my eyes shut as I pushed the door further open. It's not like he'll catch me. I'll be quick so he doesn't. I quickly closed the door behind me and turned on the light.

There were papers scattered all over the floor. This room was just a mess. What was he even hiding. I snooped around for a bit until I found a key under some papers. It must be for one of the drawers on his desk. I tried every drawer until one finally opened.

I was shocked at the amount of photographs I found in his desk. Pictures of buildings, cars and people. I had never asked my father about his job. I knew that whatever he was doing was dangerous work that he would never want me to get involved in. So, no matter how much it intrigued me, i refrained from asking him.

Then I saw them. My heart started to beat even faster. There were pictures of Daniel and his father. Pictures of them at restaurants, at work, shopping, driving. Why did he have so many pictures of them? As I scanned through the images, a knot formed in the pit of my stomach. There were pictures of me and Daniel. I had no idea my father even knew about us or that he had been following me around too. Was Daniel and his father a part of something? Why was he investigating them? There had to be an explanation for all of this.

I searched around until i found an old dusty folder underneath some papers on his desk. It had pictures of Cluade and his late wife in it, but these photos must be really old, because she died years ago in a house fire. 

My hands started to shake when I saw pictures of my mother and her together. I had no idea that my parents knew anyone from the Seagar family. From the photos they seemed like they were really good friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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