Chapter 8: Eavesdropping

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Everything was pitch black.. first one eye opened, then the next.. the first thing she saw was a worried Sasuke looking down at her.

"Sasuke.. what happened? And where are we?" Sakura asked.

"It's about time you woke up. Hn..." Sasuke said.

Somewhere else in the hotel

"Suigetsu.. why the hell are you following Sasuke around?" Karin asked.

"Well, that's none of your concern. The most I can tell you is that I need something. Unlike you, I'm not following Sasuke around because I like his presence," Suigetsu said.

"Hmph.. fine. Speaking of which, I should go talk to Sasuke-kun. He's probably bored looking after that whore," Karin said.

"Ok," Suigetsu said. Once Karin was out of sight, Suigetsu whispered to himself, "Thank God she's gone. I dont get why she has such an attitude towards Sakura-Chan.. this, I've gitta find out.."

Karin quietly walked up the stairs. She abruptly stopped. She sniffed the air.. "dammit.. she's awake. And Sasuke-kun is still with her..."

She continued walking up the stairs. There it was. Sakura's door. She walked up to the door not making a sound. She was able to see the little ray of light from the crack of the door.

Ready to knock, she decided not to once she heard Sakura's voice. "Hmmm.." She then leaned against the door and decided to listen to them talk.

"Are you going to answer my questions Uchiha?" Sakura asked teasing him.

"Hn.. well, for starters we're at a hotel. And second of all, you passed out after unleashing your inner demon.. you have to be careful with that, y'know, " Sasuke replied.

Karin's eyes widened once she heard that..

Karin's POV

What?! What are they talking about?! Inner demon? What the hell? No, this can't be right. This bitch has gotta be joking right?!

Normal POV

Karin looked through the crack of the door. She was able to see Sasuke standing up and Sakura's cherry blossom hair.

"Oh that's right.. the last thing I remember was looking into your sharingan.. what did you do to me?" Sakura asked.

"Hn.. you know how my eyes work Sakura. My sharingan can control your inner demon. Like Jugo, I can control you too. That's why we make such a good team.." Sasuke said.

"Yeah, I know.."

"Sakura.. can you promise me something?" Sasuke asked, looking into her emerald green eyes.

Sakura then stood up and looked at him. "Of course Sasuke. Anything."

"...Promise me that you won't use your demon unless it's an absolute emergency?" Sasuke asked.

"But Sasuke.. that bitch wouldn't stop and-"

"Dammit Sakura! Just promise me!" Sasuke said. He then took Sakura and hugged her, tight.

Karin's POV

How dare she?! Why is he so protective of her??

Normal POV

Sakura stood there wide eyed. She then hugged him back and blushed. "Ok I promise.."

"Good," Sasuke said. He then let go of her. "Now.. come on. We should go to the kitchen where Suigetsu and Karin are. We need to make plans."

Karin then stepped away from the door and speed walked to back down the stairs to the kitchen, where Suigetsu sat there staring off into space and drinking his water.

"..alright, let's go.."

Together Sasuke and Sakura left the room and headed to the kitchen. Karin glared at Sakura, and Sakura returned the glare. Sakura decided to sit next to Suigetsu, and Karin next to Sasuke.

"Hey Sakura-Chan. How are you feeling?" Suigetsu asked. "I'm doing fine, thank you Suigetsu. At least you have the heart to ask, unlike some people.." Sakura said and her eyes darted towards Karin.

"Hmph!" Karin just looked away.

"Enough!... our plan is to visit an old "relative" of mine. She'll give us more weapons and goods. So we'll need to head towards the direction of Konoha.." Sasuke said.

Right then Sakura thought of everyone.. she thought of Naruto, Kakashi sensei, everyone.. then her parents.. she then turned her attention back to Sasuke.

"We'll be starting tomorrow. The trip shouldn't be too long since we're already pretty close to Suna.. So for now make sure you get your rest and make sure you're fully prepared. Got it?" Sasuke said.

"Yes we got it," everyone said at once. Everyone then stood from their seats and set off to their rooms.

"Sakura-Chan can you come with me?" Suigetsu asked.

"Of course Suigetsu," Sakura said and headed to his room with him.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Suigetsu asked once they were in hid room.

"Yes I'm fine Suigetsu. Don't worry. I know you're my best friend and you're protective of me, and I am very thankful for that, but I'm fine. Don't worry," Sakura replied.

"Ok.. that's all I wanted" Suigetsu said then kissed Sakura on the cheek. Sakura blushed and got up and left. When she was out of hid room she saw Karin and Sasuke talking.

She decided to listen to them talk too.

"So Sasuke.. have you thought about what I told you?" Karin asked.

"Yes I have," Sasuke replied.

"So... what is it?"

"I've decided...... to give my thought more time"

"..ok.. but just know that our child would be powerful..." Karin said then left.

"..what am I going to do with her?" Sasuke and Sakura said.

With that, Sakura headed to her room and Sasuke went to his room too.


Sakura stayed up all night. She thought about what happened. First Sasuke then he's actually considering Karin to be his kid's mom...

"I hate you Sasuke Uchiha.. I hate that I love you.. why do you do this to me?" Sakura said to herself. A tear rolled down her cheek and with that, she was finally able to fall asleep.

A/N: I'm so sorry I haven't updated in almost a month! xc I've just haven't had time. And I'm attending summer school, so it's going to be hard to find time. But for whoever actually bothers reading my stories, thank you so much!

And I'm sorry this chapter was so useless and boring. But don't worry.. this will lead to somewhere. I hope. Anyways.. until next time. Stay kawaii guys! - blackroses001

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