Chapter 7: Sakura and Karin

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Basically it's the next day and team hebi is already on their adventure. (sorry, I'm too lazy to write what happened XD Besides you know what happens in the original episodes.)

"Sasuke-kun!!" Karin said in her fan girl voice. It was really annoying Sakura and Suigetsu. Karin was rubbing so close to him, and it was getting Sakura pissed off.

Sakura's POV

Karin was rubbing so close to Sasuke. It's really getting me annoyed. This bitch better back away from him before I unleash my inner demon. Yes. I do have an inner demon. But it's almost like suicide if I use it..

Normal POV

"What do you want Karin? And stop getting so close to me," Sasuke said, obviously annoyed.

"Oh... nothing. It's just.. I was wondering.." Karin said l.

"What is it?" Sasuke asked. He turned his onyx eyes on her a bit.

"Well, you said that once you get revenge, you will have to revive your clan.."


"Do you know who with?"

"No. I still haven't made my decision yet. Why are you asking me this?"

"Well.. maybe you wanted to do it with me.." Karin said, trying to sound suductive.

Sasuke looked at her in a strange way. He remained silent. Sakura could tell he was deep in thought.

Sasuke's POV

Did Karin just say she wanted to revive my clan?! The hell?!.. But now that I think about it, our future child would be amazing. I guess I'll just have to think about it..

Sakura's POV

Revive his clan-! Ok! That's it! I have had enough of this

Normal POV

"What?!!" Sakura said yelling, breaking the silence. Her voice echoed through the forest.

Karin finally got off of Sasuke and turned her full attention on Sakura. "What? Do you have a problem?" Karin said.

"Yeah I have a 'problem'!" Sakura said, "Sasuke should make his own decision on who he wants to revive his clan with. He doesn't need some bitch - ass slut hinting around to tell him to revive his clan with him."

Karin stopped walking, and so did Suigetsu and Sasuke.

"Sakura-Chan.. what's with that sudden language? I mean, sure I agree with you about Karin being a-  Never mind.. But what was that?" Suigetsu said.

"Stay out of this, Suigetsu!" both girls yelled.

"Woah.. ok fine," Suigetsu said. He backed away from Sakura and Karin. Sasuke just stood there, emotionless - like always.

Sasuke's POV

This is strange.. I haven't seen Sakura act this obnoxious in a long time. I should've listened to Sakura when she said she had mixed feelings about Karin. Well, it doesn't matter now. The team is already built and nothing will stop us.

Normal POV

"What did you just call me?!" Karin said.

"What? Did I stutter?! You heard me clear as a crystal!" (a/n: Sakura was obviously taking the win! XD)

Karin's POV

How dare she call me that?! She doesn't know what's hitting her..

Normal POV

"Listen bitch! If you say one more thing about me, all hell will break loose. You got that?" Karin said.

Sakura and Karin were both strong kunoichis at this point. They weren't afraid of each other. Sasuke already knew that Sakura was going to continue running her mouth. And he was ready for screams and yells and punches and kicks.

".. whore..." Sakura said. She obviously wanted to push Karin's button.. and that's exactly what she did.

"Ok! I've had enough of your smart-ass remarks!" Karin said.

Karin started running toward Sakura. Sakura was gathering chakra in her fist. She punched the ground, making sure to distract Karin.  Karin lost her balance and Sakura disappeared.  Sakura reappeared right behind Karin, and she punched her head to the floor.

Karin fell to the floor and Sakura kicked her helpless body. "Not so tough now, are you?" Sakura said, smirking to herself.

That pushed Karin even more. She grabbed Sakura's foot, and threw her to the floor, face first. Sakura looked up off the dirt, and she was bleeding. She wiped the blood away from her mouth and looked at Karin stand up again. That was Sakura's chance to heal herself, which she did.

Sakura, still on the floor, kicked her leg up and kicked Karin right in the gut. Karin coughed up blood and Sakura was able to get up again.

Karin healed herself for a couple of seconds then turned her attention toward Sakura. She widened her eyes.

Sakura was glowing, a light pink aura lifting from her body. Her curse mark was out at the same time. Instead of her green, emerald eyes, they were a blaring red color. Sasuke and Suigetsu both knew what this meant.

Sasuke and Suigetsu ran up to Sakura and held her arms. Sakura gritted her teeth and glared at Sasuke, who at this point was standing in front of her as Suigetsu was holding her arms.

"Sakura, snap out of this! Look me in the eyes," Sasuke said. Sakura looked deep into his onyx eyes. His eyes turned into sharingan and she stopped. Sakura then passed out and Sasuke caught her.

Karin just stared at the two.

Karin's POV

How dare that girl?! I will get her back.. and when she least expects it..

Normal POV

"Lets go Suigetsu. Karin, are you alright?" Sasuke said.

"Yeah, I'm ok," Karin said as she adjusted her glasses.

"Alright. Let's go then. I guess we have to call it a day alrady since Sakura will need her rest. Come on, there's another hotel not too far from here. I'll just carry her the rest of the way," Sasuke said.

"Alright," Suigetsu and Karin said.

So... a lot of stuff happened this chapter. It's been a while since I made an update. This is definitely my longest chapter so far, and I'll try to make more like this... Anyways.. until next time! Stay kawaii guys!- blackroses001

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