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i push back our bedroom door and i'm greeted by rick, bloodied and bruised, looking me dead in the eyes whilst ray manchester holds a knife to his throat.

my eyes well with tears, a lump forms in my throat as i look up to ray, who has spotted my bow.


before he can form a word, my arrow goes flying into his arm, a warning shot really.

he drops rick and grasps his arm, he looks up at me with raged eyes, rick comes running over to me.

my bow loaded and aimed at his head, he raises his hands and drops the knife, he's just seen my shot, he'd be one lucky bastard if i missed.

"alright clemensia, calm down."

"my name is ivette." my chest burns with rage.

"this doesn't have to end badly, i'll leave now and let you go." his voice is desperate and his hands are shaking.

"you see, i decided this would end badly when i walked in the room."

"please, i have a daughter."

"i know, i've taken quite the liking to her."

"i'm sorry, i'll leave, please let me live."

"speak a word of this, and i'll track you down ray manchester."

he agrees not to say anything and i send another arrow into his foot, just as a precaution.

"let yourself out."

i tend to ricks wounds as he sobs, the cuts are deep and thick, i stitch him up and settle him into bed.

i don't sleep that night, on constant watch of ray.


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