around the fire

18 0 14

i wanted christmas to be extra special this year, me and rick have been through so much and i want it to be the best. after a few hours of decorating, the barn began to look like a home, fairy lights around the cracks in the ceiling, christmas tree aligned neatly in the corner with a mound of presents beneath it, bed made and cleaned. this looked like a home we could be happy in.

when rick arrives home, i'm sat on the couch with pizza, hot coffee and snacks, i spent so long cleaning but it was so worth it to see the look on his face. his mouth agape, he looks over to me, his expression turns to a huge grin and he picks me up of the couch, spinning me around. i wrap my legs around him.

"how did you do this ives?!" he sounds like a kid on christmas.

"light work" i reply, lifting my head from the crook in his neck to look at him.

"it's beautiful darling." his eyes are filled with genuine love and warmth, he sets me down after giving me a long kiss and a tight squeeze around the waist.

we sit to eat and gossip for a while, we turn on some christmas movie and curl up next to each other, once the movie ends, we head straight to bed, i have trouble sleeping, it's the coffee, but when  my eyes start to flutter shut and my body feels heavy i'm woken by night terrors, i jolt up, my hands tremble and my breathing won't seem to slow, when a hand touches my back i jump, whipping my head to just find rick, his expression is a mix of concern and fear.

"what happened?!" his voice is shaky and so are his hands as they gently rub my back.

"nightmare." my voice is low and unstable.

he pulls me in tight and holds me until my breathing returns to normal and my body stops twitching, he doesn't sleep until i do, keeping close watch on me. when i wake, he's gone. i try to call out for him but my voice is low and barely working so i climb out of bed and go to look for him, he's in the kitchen, cooking something, my nose identifies the smell as bacon and i go towards him, simultaneously using my hands to send waves of blood red magic into my throat, i rarely use my magic so i don't rely on it to keep us safe, once i've repaired my vocal cords, i ask rick what he's making and he sets out a plate of bacon, eggs and toast. i devour every bit, give him a good morning kiss and head to the bathroom to wash up, we decided to take a rest day considering there's not much going on on christmas day, we sit around the fire opening presents and watch movies with hot chocolate and snacks again.

the perfect christmas.


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