Kim Kelly is mean

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"Hey. Chemistry exam you ordered." Ken called out to Daniel as you and him walked up to Daniel, Lindsay and Nick in the hallway.

"Alright! Great job, buddy!" Daniel smiled. "Where are the answers?" He asks as he opens the exam up.

"Dude, you just said to steal the test." You said. "Please tell me, me and Ken didn't just break into a teacher's desk for something you can't even use."

"Way to use your brain, genius." He said.

"What?" Ken asked, not bothered.

"I'm cutting, who's got gum?" Kim Kelly said as she walked up to the group, you notice Lindsay tense up. Rightfully so, Kim treats her like crap.

You snatch the exam from Danny's hands and look at the thing, with Ken over your shoulder.

Everyone shakes their heads.

"Open a book and find the answers dumbass." You shove the exam back into Daniel's hands.

Ken holds out a stick of gum to Kim.

"Oh yeah, that's real great." Kim rolls her eyes "Why don't you blow your nose in some bread and make me a sandwich too."

"Why is everyone crawling up my butt today?" Ken asks.

"Cause you're a moron." Daniel laughs.

"Ken, that's gum looks like it's been through world wars." You laugh, Kim scoffs and nudges your arm.

"Multiple." She comments.

"Hey, Kim." Lindsay speaks up. "I got some."

"What's she doing here?" Kim asks.

"She's our friend." Daniel says.

"What, are you doing her so she'll help you with your math homework?" Kim and Daniel weren't officially dating but they had hooked up multiple times and it was clear it meant more to Kim than it did to Daniel.

"Hey, lay off." Daniel smiled down at her.

"Uh kim-"

"I wasn't talking to you, brain." Kim interrupts Lindsay. "Don't you have a test to go take or something?"

"Hey, be cool." Nick says, standing up for Lindsay. "Please. I mean come on."

"Did I do something to you?" Lindsay asks, you cringe at her words, there was no negotiating with Kim, either she tolerated you or she despised you and wanted nothing to do with you.

"You're here."

"Kim." You put a hand on her arm, ready to pull her away as Lindsay speaks up again.

"I have as much of a right to be here as you do."

Daniel sighs.

"Hey brain." Kim steps closer to her. "I shoplift in your daddy's store. You're just some rich kid who's trying to piss off her parents. You think you can hang with us? You think that's gonna make you cool?"

Lindsay stares back at her, shocked. "I don't know what to tell you."

"You know what I'm sorry, let's be friends." Kim says as she snatches Lindsay's purse and dumps it out all over there floor. "there, now we're friends. See you at the mall." She laughs.

"Kim." You sigh.

"What are you on your period?" Daniel asks like she wasn't like this everyday.

"Hey. If you want to hang around with your little poser friend here, that's your waste of time. Just keep her the hell away from me." She pushes Daniel off her as she walks off.

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