Lindsay Weir is having a party

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"Hi!" Lindsay says happily as she opens the door for you, Daniel, Nick, and Ken.

"Hey." Everyone responded back scarcely.

"Come in." She said, waving everyone in.

As you walked into the living room everyone took in their surroundings.

"So what do you think?" Lindsay asked as you stared at the intresting posters that Lindsay had decided to hang up around the room.

"What do you think we are? Hippies?" Ken asked, saying out loud what everyone else was thinking.

Nick laughed. "Shut up, man. I think it looks great." He told Lindsay.

"Yeah your house is really nice." You said. Lindsay smiled.

"Wow, I like that unicorn." Daniel said as he walked over to one of the posters, showing a unicorn with a rainbow over head.

"Well, my house is so boring looking, I wanted to make it a little more party-like." She shrugged.

"Well, I'll tell you how to make it more party-like. Point me to the keg." Ken says, pulling out his own glass from his coat.

"Oh yeah!" Nick chimes in.

"Oh, it's in the corner." Lindsay says pointing past the couch.

"Then I am in the corner." Ken says, Nick following him as they walked over to it.

"Hey." Daniel comes over to you and Lindsay. "Don't be nervous, this party is going to be great."

"Thanks." Lindsay responds.

"So this is the main room?" He continues.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well it's probably going to be big enough." Daniel shrugs. "Word's getting around. So you mind if I check out the rest?" He walks off without waiting to hear her answer.

"Just how many people are expecting to come to this thing?" Lindsay whispers to you as Daniel leaves.

"Oh, I don't know." You shrug. "Just everyone at school with a car, and their friends."

"Oh God.." Lindsay runs a hand through her hair.

"If you want to call it off, I'll get these guys out of here and we can just tell the people who arrive that there's no beer, that would really make them leave."

"No, no." Lindsay responds to you. "It's fine. This will be fine."

"Yeah, it will be. Don't worry, what's the worst that could happen?" You say, trying to encourage her.

She looks like she is about to say something as there is a knock at the door and Lindsay opens it to people flooding in the house.


"Hey, it's going great, huh?" You say to Lindsay after you had gotten yourself a beer.

"Surprisingly, yeah. I mean the house hasn't collapsed yet and nothing is broken so-" Lindsay trails off as she looks to the door. "Oh-no."

"What?" You follow her gaze as a girl walks up to the two of you.

"Hey your that girl from the sober students presentation today?" You ask her as she walks over.


"Great job up there, I'll definitely keep all that in mind as I drive my friends home tonight." You say, taking a sip of your beer, which tasted very shitty, to be honest.

"Millie what are you doing here?" Lindsay asks, ignoring Millie's judgmental stares.

"I saw all the cars out front." Millie responded.

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