Lindsay Weir wants to dump Nick Andopolis

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"So how'd your date with Nick go?" You ask Lindsay as the two of you sit on the hood of your car before school starts.

"It was weird." She says.

"Yeah?" You look at her. "Like how?"

"He just wanted to sit there and talk about the after life and shit. And I saw his ex's picture in a year book but her face was cut out." She grimaces.

"Oh, yeah. Nick's always kinda been weird with relationships, especially when they end." Having said that, you really had no idea why you liked him but you still did.

Freshman year, Nick had a pretty bad break up with some Heidi girl, you remember him crying in his room all day instead of going to school. You guessed that was who was in the faceless picture Lindsay saw.

"But like..." Lindsay hesitated. "I don't want to go out with him forever, how am I supposed to leave him in a nice way?"

"You got me there, Linds." You pat her leg as you hop off the car hood and gather your things for school. "I've never really had to deal with breakups before."

"You've never dated anyone?" Lindsay asks you as the two of you head off to the dreaded school building.

"No, I've dated before."

"But, you've never broke up with anyone?" Lindsay asked, confused.

"It's a long story." You wave her off as you think of your past boyfriend. "Look, just think about things before you drop the bomb on Nick, he really likes you Lindsay."

"Hey guys!" Kim says to the two of you as you walk up to her, Daniel, and Ken in the hallway.

"Where's loverboy?" Ken asks Lindsay. "I thought you two were joined at the tongue."

"I don't know." Lindsay just shrugged. "Um, Kim, can I talk to you for a minute?" Lindsay asks, probably wanting her advice on the whole situation.

"Ooh..." Daniel and Ken both mock in unison.

"Are you pregnant?" Ken asks.

"Don't be such a pig!" Kim snaps at Ken as she slaps his hand away from Lindsay's stomach. "She wants to talk to me. Excuse us." Kim says as she hauls Lindsay away.

"So what's that about?" Daniel asks you.

"What makes you think I know?" You shrug.

"Cause." Daniel shrugs back. "You're a girl, and girl's talk about things together."

"Yeah, it's like you guys share a brain or something." Ken scoffs.

"Well, not this time, Kenny." You nudge his arm. "I'm completely in the dark here."

"I find this very hard to believe." Daniel scoffs. "Is she pregnant?"

"God, no! Stop asking that!" You sigh, walking off to class.


"Assassinate Lincoln!"

"Let's go!" Kids shouted in the hallways after school, running past you and your friends.

"This place is turning into a cult." Daniel says as he watches them run past. "These jocks they put a ball through a hoop. Whoopie-di-freakin-do." Daniel says sarcastically.

"My parents are making me go to the game with them." Lindsay says. "They're really into it."

"I'm going." Ken says.


"Really?" You and Kim laugh.

"Yeah, I heard we're gonna loos, right? I kinda think it's funny when the jocks cry, you know?" Ken mocks they're crying. "Ooo, they cheated." He pretend sobs.

Kim laughs.

"So, you going or what?" Ken nudges you.

"Oh, I don't know. I think I'm working that day." You say.

"Oh really?" Ken crosses his arms. "What day would that be exactly?"

You give him a blank stare. "Friday..."

"Tomorrow. You're driving me." Ken says smugly after proving you wrong.

You roll your eyes a jokingly flip him off.

"Hey, here comes Nick." Daniel looks back. "Lindsay, what's up with you and Nick?" Daniel asks quickly.

"Nothing." Lindsay says quickly.

"Whatever, just don't do anything crazy." Daniel trails off as Nick walks up to the group.

"Hey Lindsay." He smiles, walking up to the group but only acknowledging Lindsay.

"Hey, Nick. I'm great thanks for asking." Ken responds.

"Hey, Ken." Nick chuckles. "Hey guys."

You keep your eyes on Lindsay, watching her expression. She still doesn't seem to comprehend the problem.

"Nick could you give me a ride home?" She unexpectingly asks.

"Okay." Nick says, Lindsay gives him a smile then says goodbye to the group, walking off to leave with Nick trailing behind her.

"Hey Lindsay!" Nick calls after her. "Don't do it, please." He quietly pleads with her while Nick has his back turns.

"I'd hate to be that guy's drum set tonight." Ken scoffs.

"We should probably prepare for crazy Nick tomorrow if Lindsay-"

"Ah, she won't do it." Daniel says, cutting Kim off.

"How can you be so sure?" You ask.

"She's scared." He just shrugged. "She's not going to do anything she's scared of."

"She wasn't scared before you told her to be." You said.

"Good going, man." Ken pats Daniel's back. "Keep her straight."

The four of you walk out to the parking lot to Daniel's car.

"Hey!" You turn your head to a group of four boys pulling in front of the group.

"Do you guys go to McKinley?" Another one of the guys asks.

You look back at McKinley High behind you. "Yeah." You respond.

"Norsemen suck!" The driver screams as the group start throwing their drinks at you.

You, Kim, and Daniel cover your heads as Ken jumps behind the car.

Daniel throws he drink after the speeding car.

"Would you do something Daniel!" Kim cries. "I'm soaked."

"What do you want me to do? Blow on you?"

"God, I hope that was just water." Ken says.

"Oh, God! Gross!" You wipe your wet jacket. "That game is going to be hell if we loose."

"Don't get me thinking about that." Kim groans. "Maybe we shouldn't go."

"No, the jocks must cry!" Ken states.

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