Karen Scarfolli is a slut

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"Hey, Lindsay, what's up?" You ask her as she walks up to your locker, she has a look on her face that you know she's thinking about something serious.

"Kim Kelly." She says.

"Oh." You close your locker and walk away, Lindsay following behind you.

You hadn't spoken to Kim or really anyone since she had yelled at you and revealed your feelings for Nick in front of him. She also possibly revealed Ken's true feelings as well, but you hadn't talked to him about that yet. You didn't know what you would say to him.

"Hold up, I thought I was the only one who hated the subject, why are you upset?" Lindsay asked as she walks by your side.

"Things didn't get any brighter after you left the car, Linds."

"Did she get on to you?" Lindsay asked in surprise, you and Kim had been pretty tight, especially that Lindsay was always around now because Kim constantly talked to you about how she couldn't stand her.

You nod.

"God." Lindsay sighs "Why are you even friends with her?"

"She's not always like that, she just has a lot going on and doesn't really know where to place her anger."

"So she takes it out on her friends, good to know." Lindsay says sarcastically.

"I think that's why we are such good friends."

"Because she's always a bitch to you?"

You look back at Lindsay and sigh. "No, not that. I think I'm pretty much the only one who can handle all her anger, I know she doesn't mean anything personal by it. I just don't care if she yells or not so that helps her calm down."

"Hey you guys want to donut." Nick asks as him, Daniel, and Kim walk up to you and Lindsay.

"Sure." You take one. "Where'd you get these."

"The floor." Daniel laughs as he shoves one in his face.

"Oh great." You look at the donut in your hand.

"I've seen you eat worse." Kim says as she takes a bite of hers.

You shrug and start eating the donut. "It's actually pretty good." You say to Lindsay as she looks at you.

"So um..." Nick looks from Lindsay back to you. "About Halloween-"

"Oh, God." You sigh. "Can we please just forget about that, I think we were all just a little out of it after Lindsay's little brother got egged."

"Yes please." Kim wraps her arm around yours. "I think some of us took that a little harder than others." She giggles while glancing over to Lindsay.

"It was my brother, Kim." Lindsay says.

The bell rings before anyone can say anything else.

"Hey, meet me after school today, we'll hang." Kim says to you. "You can come too if you want." Kim says to Lindsay after giving her a quick glance.

Lindsay looks confused and shocked, more confused though.


After school


"Hey Lindsay!" Kim yells from under the bleachers where you, her, and Daniel were.

"Yeah?" She looks up.

"Wanna join me and my family for dinner?"

"What?" Lindsay looks back at the two of you.

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