Lindsay Weir DID NOT break up the band

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The band had been practicing a lot more recently. You were in Nick's basement every day after school watching Ken sing, Daniel shred the guitar and Nick bang those drums like his life depended on it.

But something had changed since the last time you had sat down with Kim Kelly and Lindsay Weir to watch the band. You noticed Lindsay was judging them as if this was actually there career and Nick was taking it much more seriously. All the fun was gone.

"Hey, uh..." Nick starts after they played a song. "That wasn't very good. Let's try it again."

You gave a confused look to Kim and she did the same.

"What?" Ken asks in shock after he just gave the performance of a lifetime.

"Let's try Sunshine of your Love, again." Nick said, forcing a smile.

"Well we just played it man, why would we do it again?" Daniel asks in a soft voice.

"Cause, it wasn't... it wasn't right, man, it was really sloppy and it didn't really sound anything like the record." Nick suggests.

"I don't care about the way the record plays it, okay?" Daniel says. "We play it the way we play it."

"Are you still buying pot from the same guy?" Ken asks.

"I just want to play the song right, you know?" Nick says.

"Look, anyway we play it is the right way." Daniel says, starting to get annoyed.

"Not if we want to get into Battle of the Bands, Daniel!"

"Like I could give a crap about Battle of the Bands!" Daniel shouts. "Who cares?"

Nick laughs awkwardly. "You were right, Lindsay." He says as everyone turns to look at Lindsay, who's eyes go wide.

"Right about what?" You ask.

"Please, do tell." Ken says into the microphone.

"I'll tell you." Nick says, when Lindsay stays quiet. "That you guys don't care, you know? Maybe you guys are just screwing around, but I want us to be good. I'm tired at sucking at everything in my life and I want to nail that audition, alright?"

Everybody stares at him.

"But we're not going to nail that audition if we don't play the songs over and over and over again until they're perfect." Nick continues. "Alright? Daniel? So can we just play the song right once, please?"

Daniel stays silent.

"Alright?" Nick asks again.

"Let's play the stupid song." Daniel finally says and starts playing.

"Hey!" Nick cuts him off. "Wait for my sticks, man."

"Gee, this is really fun guys." Ken remarks. "I'm glad we have a band." He gives them a thumbs up.

From beside you, Lindsay shifts uncomfortably on the couch.

Kim gives her a judgementle glance.

After the guys run through it a few more times, Daniel looks like he is about to fall over and Ken's voice has lost all emotion, like it normally is.

"Well that sucked." Daniel says, finally ready to quite for the day.

"No, hey, that sounded better." Nick says reassuringly as Daniel walks off.

"Yeah, it really did sound better." Lindsay say.

"Oh did it, Lindsay?" Daniel mocks. "Did it meet your approval?"

"Come on, Daniel." Lindsay sighs.

"I'm out of here." Daniel frustratingly packs away his guitar.

"You're a piece of work, Lindsay." Kim says as she gets up to follow Daniel.

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