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Uhm... Hey guys!! So i decided to continue the book with this ending. It would take long time to read, so please read HAHA nah feel free to skip this-

3rd pov

The sun was finally out. The clouds black with the sky, the stars twinkled from above, decorating the dark sky.

The wind was dead and the grounds were quiet. The birds flew above and the tall trees silent.

Finally getting caught, being cornered by the officers. Kennys plan tragically failed afterwards, and which many people were glad of.

Kenny was yet planning to execute an explosion near the Survey Co, and many people would've tragically died once he wasnt stopped.

Many people were injured during that time of the task. Gun shots and glass scattered the main area inside the building, it was rather looking like a ball.

How could someone host this huge party, when all their plan was to kill and murder those innocent people?

Of course, not many people go along with Eldians. For example, the Marleyeans. They were mostly against the kinds from Paradis, being despised and hated on.


Everyone helped out to finally evacuate those people who were left inside, a few were injured because of the minor explosion.

Many faced their fate, lying on the ground with pool of blood. The carpets and marbled floor stained in sheets of crimson color.

Y/n had help the last person out of the building, as they expected it to collapse soon.

Levi was at the back of the van, inspecting Kenny's weapons that he hid from the cellar of his mansion.

Hange was no where in sight for Y/n, and she was starting to get desperate to look for them.

Who knew someone would finally face their freedom that they have been longing to find.

Ever since then, Y/n had become terrified. Due to the sudden occurrence and the unexpected situations, left her head unexplained.

Their life had just gotten to good to worse, and then to better again. It was quite confusing for her, with that aside, now looking for Hange.

Hange knew they were going to get in trouble still, because of the spying they had caused and their over sharing of information.

They all knew this wasnt their intention, honestly, Hange doesnt know what they were thinking in the first place, leaving them confused and dumbfounded aswell with their explanation.

Even though they had convinced Y/n to finally help them out, they cant shake off the feeling of guilt and shame towards themself.

Hange had only wanted to find peace with Y/n, alone and with a better life for both of them. Which this plan didnt turn out ad Hange had expected, instead, they were black mailed.

Y/ns life was threatned, ever since she had founded out what Hanges true intentions.


Finally, Y/n had found Hange inside the big mansion. Holding over a paper, their blouse painted with red and their hair was almost a mess.

Y/n walks over to Hanges side ebfore Hange had dropped her hand down to their side.

Hange looked with shame and guilt, they looked like they were about to cry and breakdown right on that spot.

Y/n cant help but hugged them tightly. Hanges head buried on her shoulders and arms wrapped around Y/n tightly.

"You okay?.."
Y/n asks as she caressed Hanges back, rubbing circles around in a comforting manner.

"Im... im fine."
Hanges response seemed like they were unsure.

Hange was still going to have to fave charges. And in prder to free them, they just have to go through courts probably two times before they finally free them.

Hange was still shaking, they were terrfied at the occasions that was about to happen right after they exit the area.

Hange only wants to go home with Y/n and have their time with each other, well atleast for one night only before they face their charges.

"Will i ever get to see you right after?.."
Hange asks as they buried their face deeper.

"Of course hun, i will."
Y/n replies, still hugging Hange.


Hange and Y/n exits the mansion, Hange holds Y/ns hand tightly and still with a guilt look.

Their small frown never leaving their expression and Hanges hand was starting to shake yet again.

Y/n would try to comfort her, but it seems that it wasnt working. Levi approached Hange, before smiling small.

"You'll be alright, four eyes."
It has been a long time since Hange had heard him call them like that, and with that smile.

"Thanks Levi..."

Levi nods before stepping aside. The van was ready to go and was only waiting for Hange.

Hange holds onto Y/n more tighter, it seems that they were afraid to even step in.

"Hange... ill be right behind you, dont worry."

Y/n reassures Hange, smiling softly and held Hanges hand tighter before loosening.

"You promise?..."

"I promise."

Hange finally had enough courage to step inside the van. Hange lets go of Y/ns hand, hopping on the van.

Y/n smiles softly still as she closes the door, mid way, Hange stops the door from closing, Y/n paused.

"I love you Y/n...."

Y/ns eyes widen slightly. It did felt a long time since They got to say that.

"I love you too.... Hange."

Hange sits back as the door of the van finally closes. And soon enough, the van starts to run off.

Y/n stood there, waving goodbye to Hange before she goes to tail them on the way.

Y/n looks back at Levi with a smile.

"Lets go."

Levi replies and opens the car door for Y/n as she enters.

Levi hopped inside his car, starting the engine before driving off.

Lets roll!

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