Chapter 8

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Taehyung was fuming. One part of him doesn't like the way Jungkook overreacted. His ego says Jungkook was playing hard to get, acting like sacred and pure. Whereas, the other part of him said what he did to Jungkook is unacceptable. Taehyung rubbed his forehead in frustration. Taehyung has never been into such playboy stuff, because to be caught by the media and being exposed to his dad is the last thing he will do. The son of the Commission General of Korea and the heir of Kim's Enterprise, both are a very huge tag to carry around, so whatever he does, he does it very consciously and carefully. He never does any childish and rubbish act which will stain his dad's, family's and his name.

However, one time he crossed that line was at the after-party of his graduation which was held in den. In the high dose of alcohol and peak of celebration, he joined the fun with his friends. That was the first and last. That night is still a nightmare for Taehyung. He regrets it with every beat of his heart because if his parents ever knows it, that's it, it will be the end of his freedom and happiness. So, he never put his hand into such things. He himself distanced away from all these limitless fun. But Jungkook, the day he saw him in Jimin's insta, he has this urge to get him by hook or crook. If you ask Taehyung what is the speciality that Jungkook has and no one else has, he will definitely shake his head because he doesn't have any idea why he is attracted to Jungkook. He has come across many hot and cute boys and girls. But no one has ever crossed his mind for more than a second. Damn it, the girl his parents fixed his marriage is one of the most beautiful girls in Korea. But still he can't put Jungkook out of his mind. All the time his mind is screaming Jungkook, now after getting a taste of him, even if it's a peck on the corner of his lips, he can't and won't leave Jungkook until he devours him completely.

Taehyung directly went to his home without after dropping Jungkook at dorm. He parked his car among all the other luxurious cars lined up on their porch and went inside. "Tae, Yoona called me in worry saying you are not picking up her call.", his mom said when she saw Taehyung walking to the living room. "Oh, I was with friends mom, I might have missed her call. I will call back.", he said and smiled at his mom before retreating to his room. He took his tees off and checked the phone to see if Jungkook had texted him. He signed seeing no messages. How funny is it, he still expects a message from him after what the stunt he pulled in the car. and laid on his bed. He took his towel and went to the washroom to take a shower.

After wearing his night wear, he laid on the bed and took his phone from the bedside table. He flatten his lips seeing three missed calls from Yoona and a few messages. He called Yoona first and they talked for sometimes about anything and everything that happened that day with both of them except Jungkook's. Taehyung finds Yoona as an easy person to open up to, as she is a very good listener and is never judgemental about anything. After another fifteen minutes, both of them bid goodnight and hung up the call. Taehyung once again took his what's up and opened Jungkook's inbox, still no messages. And when did Jungkook even text him? It was only him who was texting him like a psycho. He locked the screen without bothering to text him.

That week passed quite without any interaction between taekook. Jungkook got busy with his projects and assignments and Taehyung with the company matters. However, Taehyung and Yoona caught up frequently either in family dinner or with their same friends circle. A healthy relationship built between both of them. More than a would-be, Yoona became one of the good friends of Taehyung in these days. And Jungkook, on the other hand weaves his dreams and fictional fantasy about his crush who doesn't even know his existence. And sometimes his mind diverted to Taehyung, whom he met the last weekend through an unknown text. Almost all day he checks Taehyung's what's up profile. If you ask Jungkook, Is he crushing on Taehyung? He will never admit it, maybe he will admit the other is extremely handsome and sexy, that's all nothing apart from it. After all Taehyung is a Korean and Jungkook is into foreign boys, especially the ones with facial and chest hairs.

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