Chapter 10

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"Are you liking the movie?", Jungkook flinched when he heard the deep voice beside him. "Oh god. You scared me. Wait, how are you here.", he asked the person sitting next to him and then looked around. Taehyung smiled and showed the screen. Jungkook nodded and looked at his right side and saw Jimin and Jin totally engrossed in the movie and the bucket of popcorn they are holding. "I thought, you went for Oppenheimer.", Jungkook whispered. "How can I, when this beauty is in Barbie.", Taehyung whispered back. "Your friends?", he asked. "At the back, the very end.", Taehyung said and Jungkook turned back but couldn't see as the hall was too dark. He bit his lips to hide the blush and sat straight looking at the screen. After a few minutes, Jungkook found himself staring at Taehyung frequently, whose gaze is fixed on the screen ahead. "Do you want me to go back as you are unable to concentrate on the movie?", Taehyung whispered but smiled when Jungkook immediately looked straight. "No, it's, nothing.", Jungkook whispered in embarrassment. "Jungkook, you look so sexy.", Taehyung whispered after looking at Jungkook again. Jungkook hummed. "Can I hold your hand?", he asked. "Mmm?", Jungkook asked. "Please. Once.", Taehyung whispered back. "Mmm.", Jungkook hummed after checking Jin and Jimin. Taehyung took his hand and held it as a result a bright smile appeared in Jungkook's face. As the movie came to an end, Taehyung kissed his knuckles, before going back to his friends.

 As the movie came to an end, Taehyung kissed his knuckles, before going back to his friends

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"That was a good movie.", Jimin said on the way back home. "Yes.", Jungkook agreed. "But how you know that, you were busy talking.", Jimin said turning around to look at the brunette sitting on the backseat. "I..", Jungkook went silent. "Are you sure, there is nothing between you two.", Jin asked doubtfully. "Yes.", Jungkook said in double assurance and laid his head on the window looking at the streets lights passing by. "Then, it's fine.", Jimin said and increased the volume of the song that's playing from the audio player. Jin dropped Jungkook and Jimin at their own home before going back to his home.

"You liked the movie?", Mr Jeon asked ruffling his fringes. Jungkook nodded. "Did you eat something?", Mrs Jeon asked. "Burger.", he replied. "I will make something quick then.", she said before going to the kitchen. "No, mom. I want only a glass of banana milk.", Jungkook said. Mrs Jeon nodded and gave him the said drink. "Go and sleep, then.", Mr Jeok said and Jungkook went to his room to sleep.

The next morning Jungkook opened his eyes, when his phone rang. He tapped beside him in search of his phone, which was kept forgetten somewhere last night. After the fifth ring he attended the call. "Hey, aren't you up, yet?", Jungkook groaned when he had that deep voice. "Mmm..", Jungkook said stretching his hands up and arching his back to make his stiff body moveable. Taehyung switched the voice call to video. Jungkook attended it. "Oh, did you just wake up?", Taehyung asked seeing Jungkook cuddled to his white pillow. "Yes. I usually sleep longer hours on weekends.", Jungkook said and lay straight and took the phone along. "Mm.. what's today's program?", Taehyung asked as he also laid straight looking at the screen. "Nothing special. I will be at home.", Jungkook said. "Then, come with me. We will go somewhere.", Taehyung said. "I don't think I can. Mom and dad are at home.", Jungkook said. "Are you a kid? Tell them you are going shopping or to hang out with friends.", Taehyung said. "Mm.. let me try. Anyways I can't assure you. I will text you if I can come.", Jungkook said. "Okay, mm. Jungkook. Your.. your belly is so perfect. Do you work out a lot?", Taehyung asked scratching his nose looking at Jungkook who has sat on the bed by keeping the phone in front of him by supporting it with a pillow and is wearing a crop tank top and track pants. "Mm." Jungkook replied. "I am wondering how it will feel?", Taehyung asked looking at his own palm. "Don't think too much.", Jungkook said shaking his head. "I can't assure that since you are a walking sin.", Taehyung said looking at the screen darkly. "", Jungkook shuttered and looked away from the screen. "Kook, why are you not up yet?", "oh mom. Bye.", Jungkook immediately disconnected the call when he heard his mom at the doorstep of his room and threw the phone on the bed. "I am up, mom. Coming.", he said and rushed to open the door after wearing his hoodie on the top of his tank top. He opened the door with a smile. "Ah. It's almost 12PM, kook. Aren't you hungry?", his mom asked walking past him, inside his room. "Yeah. I was.", Jungkook said. "Mm.. Mom, I was thinking, if I can go out today.", Jungkook asked his mom who is now folding his duvet and cleaning his messed bed. "Why? Do you want to buy something?", his mom asked. "Yes, I.. I want to change the cover of my tab.", he said pointing at his tab. "But you used to buy it online.", his mom said. "Yes, but it will take time. Jimin told me there is this new pattern available in the shop so I want to check it.", he said and sat on the chair. "Is Jimin coming?", she asked. "Mm, yes, I think.", he said avoiding the eye contact of his mom. "Mm, okay. First eat something.", his mom said. Jungkook smiled and walked to the washroom after giving her a kiss on the cheeks.

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