Chapter 21

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Next morning, Jungkook dressed himself in a suit and did his makeup a little before going to the church with other to attend the marriage. He was still sulking as he didn't even talk to his parents. But who cares? They know that tomorrow or day after tomorrow this boy's face will be back to normal. That is how it used to always. Jungkook will throw tantrums if he doesn't like or he doesn't get something which he wanted. So, his parents are normal with this kind of behaviour.

Jungkook was throwing flowers at the bride and groom without any single interest in the things which is happening around him. "Look. Look a little right to you.", Jin whispered nudging Jungkook's arm. Jungkook looked to his right casually and saw a pair of black orbs fixed on him. "Who is that?", he whispered to Jin. "How will I know? Anyways isn't he handsome?", Jin whispered back. "Mm. Not bad.", Jungkook replied after checking once again. "Is he looking at us?", Jungkook asked. "Not us. You.", Jin confirmed. "Ah. Why?", Jungkook whined. "Why? Means? Aren't you feeling proud? You used to get proud when someone admired you, especially those clean-cut stylist ones. You always have a hot for handsome and sexy guys, then what happened now?", Jin whispered. "I stopped it.", Jungkook said. "Is it going to rain heavy in sunny day?", Jin asked looking at the sky. "Don't be dramatic. I stopped everything. I don't have any hot for any handsome guys. I am allergic to them.", Jungkook said. "Did you get a nice blow from somewhere?", Jin asked. "Kind of. Handsome ones are like roses. You will know the pain only if you try to pluck it.", Jungkook replied. "Haha. Jungkook. You are talking so much. What happened?", Jin laughed but immediately kept silent when he received glares from other's as the priest started reciting the prayers. "American or Korean? Who was the reason for this literature line?", Jin asked. "No one. My mind said this to me.", Jungkook said and clapped his hands when other's started clapping.

After the wedding ceremony, Jungkook and Jin as usual walked to the food section. They took their food and stood a little away from the crowd. "There, he is.", Jungkook looked ahead and saw his mom walking to them with a small group of people. "Damn it, bro. Do you think I can climb this tree fast?", Jungkook asked looking at the nearest palm tree. "Wait. Isn't that the same handsome one?", Jin asked analysing all the faces. "This is Jungkook.", Mrs Jeon said once she reached near him. Jungkook smiled and bowed at them. "We have met yesterday actually. So I thought to introduce you all as well.", the woman whom he met yesterday said pointing at other three aunties, two uncles and that handsome. "Jungkook. This is Eunwoo. My son.", she said pointing at the handsome man. "Woo. Jungkook.", she introduced Jungkook to Eunwoo. Jungkook smiled and bowed a little but was surprised when he saw an extended hand. He took it and shook a little. "So, this is Woo. Not bad.", Jin whispered. "Jungkook son. Can you stand beside him. Let us just check the height. I had doubts about that.", she said and grabbed Jungkook's hand which was holding the chopstick with another piece of chicken. She made Jungkook to stand near Eunwoo and everyone started analysising them like some financial data. "Next Friday. We will come to Seoul, Dami. I will call you before that.", Eunwoo's mom said holding Mrs Jeon's hand, who nodded smiling. "If you have something to talk or ask, go ahead Woo. Don't mind us.", she said to her son who nodded. "Can we move a little away from them?", he asked. Jungkook looked at everyone then at Jin who is teasing him before walking ahead with Eunwoo. "I am not ready to get married this early.", Eunwoo said which brought a big bunny smile on Jungkook's face. "Neither me.", Jungkook agreed. "But not anymore. Even this coming Friday I am ready.", Jungkook's whole blood drained out from his face. "Because you are perfect Jungkook. You have everything I expected in a partner.", he continued. "But.. but you don't know me.", Jungkook reasoned. "No problem. We have time for that after marriage.", he said. "What?", Jungkook was stunned. "My parents had an arranged marriage. I think yours too. So it's not a issue for me either.", he said. "But. I.. I am still studying.", Jungkook said. "You can continue it. I don't have any objection.", he said. "But.", "Do you have a boyfriend, Jungkook?", Jungkook was cut off by another question. "I.. no.", Jungkook replied. "Good. So I don't find any further problems in our marriage.", Eunwoo said smiling. "Can we go back to them?", Eunwoo asked pointing at family. Jungkook nodded. "It's a yes from both of us, mom?", Eunwoo smiled. "What? I never said yes.", Jungkook denied it. "Haha. Kook is so shy that's why. Don't worry he doesn't have a word against our wish.", his mom smiled widely. "Oh, that's great. It's hard to find children like that now.", Eunwoo's mom said caressing Jungkook's hand. Jungkook glared at his mom who is nodding her head smiling. "See you next week then", she said and everyone left leaving Jin and Jungkook alone again. "I should start saving to give you a bigger wedding gift soon. What about a queen size deluxe cozy and fluffy bed with cot? With those springs?", Jin laughed seeing how Jungkook was madly staring at him.

"Jungkook, Eunwoo is a good match. Handsome, well settled, loving family and what else do you want?", Jin asked once they get back to their room take rest before their departure. "You are speaking like you are living with them.", Jungkook dropped on the bed. "Not but you can see these from the first look itself that the family is well mannered.", Jin removed his suit and dropped on the bed beside Jungkook. "I also thought the same for Taehyung.", Jungkook mumbled. "Taehyung? Your Korean crush?", Jin asked. "Not crush.", Jungkook rejected. "Okay boyfriend. Whatever it is. What happened then? Why you changed the opinion suddenly?", Jin asked. "Its.. mmm..", Jungkook narrated everything that happened between both of them. "Wow. I never thought that handsome was such a jerk.", Jin said in disappointed. Jungkook nodded pouting. "Anyways you are not bad as well. You are equally a stupid and jerk.", Jin concluded. "What?", Jungkook was astonished and he laid on his stomach. "Then, what should I call you? You were ready to sleep, right? You didn't know any single thing about him, Jungkook and you went till his apartment. In my opinion, both are same.", Jin closed his eyes. "But.", Jungkook started. "Now sleep for sometime. Anyways, that ended well. Eunwoo is your prince charming. Think about him.", Jin said. "No.", Jungkook denied and laid on the bed sulking.

After two hours the family set their journey back to Seoul. Jungkook took his phone out once he settled in car. He looked besides him at his sleeping mom and aunty, then took Instagram. After another fifteen minute, he started an Instagram page for himself. He typed Taehyung in the search tab, but got disappointed when he didn't find him. "Isn't he not in Instagram? Yes, he is. I remember Jimin opened it once.", Jungkook said to himself and took Jimin's, he searched his whole account only to get disappointed. Jungkook turned off his screen and kept it aside before looking out of the window. "Wait, Hobi hyung will have him as friend.", Jungkook took the phone again and searched Hobi. He smiled when he got Hobi in Jimin's. He searched Hobi's profile and thankfully it is public. Jungkook's eyes shined brightest when he found that sexy handsome profile in Hobi's friend list, but immediately dimmed when he found the profile has changed to a private one. "Wasn't it a public? Ahh.. now what to do? If I send him a request? don't do such stupidity. Aish, what is it Jungkook? Aren't there enough boys in this country, you are going behind him again? If you are so desperate, go behind Eunwoo, anyways you will be getting married today or tomorrow with him.", Jungkook's inner self slapped his hand which was fiddling with the follow button. "No. I am not going to marry him.", Jungkook rejected and locked his phone again and closed his eyes as leaned his head on the window.

In Seoul, "Did you send invitation to every board members and media?", Mr Kim asked Mr Park. "Yes, sir.", he replied. "Good. How is he? Is he catching up on everything?", Mr Kim said. "Yes sir. Master Kim is working hard. He is very brilliant and strategic.", he replied. "Good. I know it. Anyways, give him all the support which is needed.", he said and asked him to carry on as he walked ahead to the last cabin.

Mr Kim knocked on the door and heard a faint come in. "Oh, dad? You don't have to knock.", Taehyung said and stood up from his chair. "How is the things going?", he asked looking at all the files kept opened on the table. "So far, all good. Don't worry. I can handle it.", Taehyung said. "I know you can. After all you are my son. My blood.", Mr Kim patted on his shoulder proudly. Taehyung nodded and smiled. "Hmm. Continue then. I am waiting your precious time. Next Friday, we have arranged for the press meet.", Taehyung said okay after hearing his dad. Mr Kim again gazed at every file before going out of the cabin. Taehyung sat on the chair and resumed checking his file but stopped in between. He took his phone and stared on it before taking instagram. He searched for Jimin's Instagram and took that particular photo again. His eyes tinkered on that pretty face and that pouty lips. He smiled a little bit immediately shrugged it off and locked the screen and resumed his work. be continued..

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