Chapter 17

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Jungkook was walking back to the dorm in the evening after his class. He has plugged his earphone in the ear and was munching on his ever favorite chocolate, totally concentrated on the chocolate which is melting in his tongue but flinched badly when out of nowhere a car has blocked his way. Jungkook held his chest abruptly as that scared him. "Come. I will drop you.", Jungkook looked at the interrupter then at the chocolate which is on that muddy path. "Opps. I will buy you another one. Come.", Taehyung said looking at the chocolate then at Jungkook. "You didn't go home?", Jungkook asked and walked to the other side of the car to get inside it. "No, I was waiting for you.", Taehyung said pushing the gear to drive mode. Jungkook looked at Taehyung a minute longer after hearing that and shook his head.

"Why didn't you join any company?", Jungkook asked. "Mm. Will later this year.", Taehyung said. "Oh, which?", he asked excitedly. "Mm. Any one of the companies.", Taehyung said. "Any one? You haven't decided yet?", Jungkook asked. Taehyung shook his head negatively. "Oh.", Jungkook switched on the music player. "What about you?", Taehyung asked. "Me? Mm.. I don't know. Maybe I will join as a lecturer in some management school.", Jungkook said. "You like teaching?", he asked in surprise. Jungkook hummed. "I grew up seeing my mom. She is a teacher actually. So I.. I always wished to be one.", Jungkook said smiling. "Oh, I see.", Taehyung took his hand in his. "Wait, where are we going? My dorm is on the left.", Jungkook was confused when Taehyung didn't stop at the dorm but went straight. "We are going out.", he said kissing his knuckles. "Out? Mm.. let me inform, Jimin then.", Jungkook said and texted Jimin. "Is he your close friend?", Taehyung asked. "Mm.. we are besties. We grew up together and shared the same neighborhood.", Jungkook said after shoving the cell back inside the bag and by tapping on the top of the bag. Taehyung looked at Jungkook's lips then on his neck. "Why didn't you give it back?", Taehyung asked eyeing his muffler. "Oh, this. Actually I forget it.", Jungkook said caressing it. "Remove it. It's not cold now.", Taehyung said. Jungkook nodded and removed it and kept it in his bag. Taehyung licked his lips after gazing at the low neck of the tees as Jungkook hasn't zipped up his jacket.

After an hour, Taehyung pulled his car in the parking lot of a small mall that was in a remote area. "Come.", he said after wearing his mask. "Do you have a mask?", he asked Jungkook who shook his head. "Mm. It's in the dashboard. Take one and come.", he said before stepping out. Taehyung analysed the surroundings till Jungkook stepped out. "Let's go.", Taehyung said and held his hand before walking inside. "Why did we come here? We could have gone to Apex Mall in the city, if you wanted to buy something.", Jungkook said looking around. "No. it's a much better place.", he said as they stepped inside the clothing wear section. Jungkook stood beside Taehyung with a basket, as he started ruffling through the racks. "Here. Wear it. Let me see.", Taehyung said and gave a puffy winter jacket to Jungkook. Jungkook looked at him in confusion. "Wear.", Taehyung said again. "Me?", Jungkook said pointing himself. "Who else is here?", he asked. "But.", Jungkook hesitated. "Don't waste time, Jungkook. We have one hour drive back.", he said. Jungkook took the jacket from his hand and removed his own jacket before wearing it. "Mm. It looks good.", Taehyung said and zipped up the jacket till his chin. Then, walked to the next rack, took a beanie and put that too in his head. Then took hand gloves and earmuff and put that too on him and at last a sharf around his neck. "Are you feeling cold, now?", he asked. "No. I am sweating.", Jungkook mumbled without being able to move his head or hands. "Good. Give that muffler back tomorrow. Don't forget it.", Taehyung said tapping Jungkook's cheeks. "Mm. Excuse me, please bill these items.", he said to the staff. "Wait. Taehyung. I.. I don't want it.", he rejected immediately. " You will need it.", Taehyung said and walked to another section. "What's your boot size?", he asked taking two on his hand. "Please. I don't want it. My parents will scold me.", he said. "This. Try the size ", he said and gave it to Jungkook. "Taehyung. Please listen. I can't take it.", he said again looking at the boots Taehyung is holding. "Then, keep it in your hostel.", he said. Jungkook signed and checked the size of the boots. "It will fit me.", he said. "Mm. Then take the brown one.", he said and walked to the billing section. Jungkook signed and went behind him.

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