Chapter 33

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"Do you want to buy another wedding dress?", Jungkook looked at his mom's mouth stuffed with noodles when he heard that question. He chewed it slowly. "For what? To wear under that red dress?", Jungkook asked. "No. You can wear it some other day.", she said. "Wedding dress means the dress to be worn on a wedding day and what do you mean by some other day? My graduation ceremony?", Jungkook asked with an eye roll. "Leave it. I am thinking about canceling the wedding.", Jungkook said. "WHAT? WHY???", she shouted. "Let me study first then get into a job and after a few more years later, when I think I am ready to get married, I will.", Jungkook informed. "You are kidding, right?", she asked. "No. Seriously.", Jungkook replied. "Don't do stupid things. We have already made wedding arrangements. Even your dad has sent invitations to the guest. Don't ruin our name.", his mom warned him. "Okay. Then we can endure everything together once I come back and stay at home but as a divorcee after a few months of marriage.", Jungkook stood up and washed his hands. "Jungkook. Don't speak like that. Nothing like that will happen. Eunwoo is a good boy. His family is the same. And whatever happened yesterday is common, you don't need to work up this much for that.", his mom said. Jungkook glared at her in equal rage. "Ah, sign me your one cheque.", they were interrupted by Mr Jeon. "Why?", she asked and took her bag. "There will be more guests from their side and I don't think we will be able to accommodate everyone here in our lawn. So let's book a hall in some hotel.", he said. "See. This is what I am saying. Oh god. Why can't you both understand? Why are we spending this much for a marriage. Let's drop it.", Jungkook rubbed his forehead in frustration and went to the room.

He was laying on the bed looking at the phone continuously ringing. "Eunwoo calling.", "Ah..", Jungkook turned the phone and kept it under the pillow and laid it on his back. After another three to four calls, he attended the call. "What?", Jungkook asked in an angry voice. "Uff. Is my bun angry early in the morning?", Jungkook took the phone from the ear and checked the screen which is showing a number. "Mm. Kind of.", he replied. "Then. Let's go for an ice cream date to cool you down.", Taehyung said. "Date? Oh god. I am trying to break off this marriage and here you are for a date.", Jungkook said. "Oh. Did you talk to your parents?", Taehyung asked. "Mm. But no. Today they demanded a change in venue. Day by day they are demanding one or the other thing.", Jungkook said. "Are they scary? Do you want me to send the police?", Taehyung asked. "Police? Please no. I am afraid of the police.", Jungkook said. "Haha. Is that because of that day.", Taehyung laughed when he heard a hum. "Haha. What will you do if you live here with me? Share a roof with the Commissioner?", he asked. "Haha. Commissioner? First of all, we won't get married and second, I live there? No never.", Jungkook said.

"Mm. I also doubt that, the living part. I tried to talk with my dad and mom.", Taehyung said. "Then?", Jungkook asked. "Then what. I got two files in response. And I worked the whole night on it.", Taehyung said. "Do you know how hard my life is? I need to put my baby bun to sleep then come back to home work till dawn, then again go back to the office. Oh. Jungkook gets a job fast. So that I can be a house husband.", Taehyung said. "House husband?", Jungkook asked. "Yes. Taking care of you and our babies. You will cook everyday but I will pack a lunch box. I will bath you and our babies. Drop you at college. Then take care of babies the whole day. Feed them, play with them, take them for small walks. Then when you come back from college, I will pamper you mentally and physically. And I only need your milk to boost my energy for the day.", Taehyung said. Jungkook laughed rolling on the bed. "You are so cute.", Jungkook said. "I am the cutest when you cuddle me.", Taehyung said.

As the laugh dimmed down, both of them went silent. "Tae. Please don't play with my heart. I won't be able to recover from it.", Jungkook said in a low voice. "I won't, Jungkook. I promise you.", Taehyung said. "First, can you come with me. Let's go somewhere as a date.", Taehyung said. "I can't Tae. I.. I feel like I am cheating Eunwoo. So, no. Let me first untangle this mess.", Jungkook said. Taehyung hummed. "Please don't be mad at me.", Jungkook said. "I am not mad at you. I am mad for you. So it's okay. I will wait.", he assured.

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