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Aurora stirred in her hospital bed, the sterile room bathed in a soft morning light that filtered through the windows. The remnants of fragmented dreams lingered, but as her eyelids fluttered open, reality flooded back in—an unwelcome guest in her already bewildered state of mind.

Blinking against the stark hospital glare, she noticed a figure sitting nearby, a cascade of vibrant curls framing a face she couldn't immediately place. The woman looked up from her phone, concern etched on her features, though a glint of mischief danced in her eyes.

"Well, well, look who finally decided to rejoin the land of the conscious," the woman chirped, a playful lilt to her voice.

Aurora's brow furrowed as she tried to focus on the unfamiliar face. "I'm sorry, do I... know you?"

The woman's expression shifted, a mixture of mock offense and genuine worry. "Oh, ouch! That hurts, Lora. I thought getting hit by whatever it was might've knocked some sense back into you."

Aurora squinted, trying to piece together the puzzle of this energetic stranger. "I'm sorry, I—"

"Kika," the woman interjected, a touch of exasperation coloring her tone. "Your partner-in-crime, your partner in wine, your partner in—well, you get the idea."

Recognition flickered in Aurora's eyes, albeit faintly. "Kika...?" Her voice trailed off, still clouded by confusion.

"Yes, Kika! That's me," she exclaimed, throwing her hands up dramatically. "Honestly, Aurora, we've shared so many wild stories together. How could you forget me?"

Aurora winced, a mix of guilt and frustration gnawing at her. "I'm sorry, I just... I can't remember much right now." She shifted uncomfortably, feeling like she'd let down someone important, though she couldn't quite grasp why. Kika's expression softened, her teasing demeanor giving way to genuine concern.

"Hey, it's okay. You had a nasty knock to the noggin; it's no wonder things are a bit scrambled up there. But hey, don't worry, I'm here to help you unscramble it all. And believe me, you've got some juicy stories to catch up on!"

Aurora smiled, not sure what to say to her supposed best friend.

"Oh, and by the way," Kika interjected amidst her storytelling spree, "in case that knock on your head erased it, my full name is Francisca. But no worries, everyone knows me as Kika. It's just... easier, you know?"

Aurora nodded, a hint of relief flickering in her eyes. "Francisca... I'll try to remember."

Kika waved it off with a laugh. "Don't stress it! As long as you remember the important stuff, like how I met Pierre, my charming better half."

"Pierre?" Aurora echoed, a glimmer of curiosity breaking through the fog in her mind. Did she mean...

"Pierre Gasly?"

Kika grinned mischievously. "Oh yes, you played Cupid for us. Introduced us at that café down the street from your place, remember? Well, maybe not right now, but trust me, it was all thanks to your matchmaking skills."

Aurora furrowed her brow, trying to grasp at the threads of memory that seemed just out of reach. "I... I introduced you two?"

"Yep! And you were the one who kept insisting that we were a match made in heaven," Kika teased, her eyes sparkling with playful affection.

Aurora tried to piece together this newfound information, a faint trace of amusement tugging at her lips. "I did that, huh?"

Kika nodded, her grin widening. "Oh, absolutely. You were relentless, and thank goodness for that! Pierre and I owe you big time."

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