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Today is Saturday, which means it's Formula One qualification day. She couldn't help but feel nervous. She hadn't seen or spoken to Charles since she arrived in Miami. Kika had left her a paddock pass, allowing her to head over to the track whenever it suited her. Kika would be going with Pierre, so she was probably already there.

After Aurora ordered some dinner, she decided to get dressed. The qualification would start at 10 this evening, which meant she wouldn't be able to wear sunglasses. She hoped the press wouldn't notice her for who she was; luckily, she would be there with Alpine, and they would likely think she was an influencer friend of Kika.


She walked into the paddock, which was bustling with life. There were people everywhere, making it easy for her to make her way through. She had forgotten what it was like to be there, in the middle of it all. The anticipation, excitement, and the ambiance were out of this world. She glanced over at the Ferrari hospitality, slowing down her pace for a moment, but then made her way to the Alpine hospitality.

"I'm so glad you're finally here," Kika said as she hugged her best friend.

"Me too, I forgot the feeling of being here."

"Have you seen Charles yet?" Kika asked as she handed Aurora a bottle of water.

"No, not yet."

"Why?" Kika asked as she raised a judgy eyebrow at her.

"I don't want to distract him by surprising him just before quali. I would like to congratulate or cheer him up after, making sure I'm not influencing his performance tonight," she explained.

"But you're heading to the Ferrari Garage right after quali?"


"He'll be so happy to see you, Auri."

"I hope so," she admitted while nervously taking a sip from her water.

"He's your husband, of course he will be glad you made it here to support him," Kika assured her.

"I really am supporting him all the way tonight," Aurora told her friend with a mischievous smile on her face.

"Care to elaborate?"

"Let's just say I am wearing red, though not visible to the normal eye."



"I just want to say-"

"Don't say it."

"I just want to say, I am proud of you."

"Be proud of me a bit more quietly next time, people are watching us."

"Aren't they always?"

They both couldn't help but laugh, with Aurora barely able to keep in that sip of water.

"We should head over to the garage, Q1 is about to begin."


Both Charles and Pierre got through Q1 and Q2. Watching the screen as Charles performed, she realized how much she had missed this. While her books back home were nice, this was so much better. She couldn't spend her days waiting for memories that might not return.

The clock was running out, and Charles was in his final flying lap. Max had set the bar high, meaning Charles had to drive a perfect lap to qualify for pole position. Aurora held her breath as he made his way through the track. When the screen lit up with Charles' time, she couldn't help but make a happy jump; he had qualified first.

"I have to go," Aurora hastily told her friend.

"Just go already," Kika said as she pushed her out of the garage.

So that's what she did. She watched Piastri, Verstappen, and then finally his interview. He hadn't noticed her yet, and she didn't want him to. She would surprise him when he drove his car back to the garage.

She waited for a while, and when she looked up from her phone, she finally saw his car back in the Ferrari garage. Walking over there, nervousness started to hit her again. She really hoped he would be happy to see her, but not too expectant. As she neared the Ferrari garage, her heart dropped. Charles had just stepped out of his car, hugging a girl she did not recognize. The girl had long raven black hair and a tan Aurora was seriously jealous of. He put his arm around her casually as they both laughed at something Carlos, his teammate, had said.

As the girl congratulated him with a kiss on his cheek, Aurora's stomach dropped even further. Why had she thought it was a good idea to surprise him? And why did she not think about the fact that while she was figuring out her life and her feelings, he might have sought the support she wasn't able to give him with someone else, another woman. But most of all; why did she fly all the way out to Miami for this?

Did she love Charles at the moment? No, she didn't. But she couldn't say there were no feelings at all. After all, he was her husband. As tears started to well in her eyes, she turned on her heels and sprinted down the pit lane back to the Alpine garage, hoping Charles wouldn't have noticed her.

Doomed - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now