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The soft hum of the jet's engines provided a gentle backdrop as Aurora and Charles lounged in the plush seats of Charles' private jet. The evening sun had long dipped below the horizon, leaving behind a canvas of midnight blue skies sprinkled with stars. As the hours drifted by, conversation waned into comfortable silence, punctuated only by the occasional laugh or whispered exchange. In a playful mood, Charles suggested a game to pass the time.

"How about a little game?" he proposed, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Aurora raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What sort of game?"

Charles grinned. "I'll write something on your arm, and you have to guess what it is without looking. If you guess correctly, you get a point. If not, I do. Sounds fun?"

She chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Alright, let's give it a try."

They played with passion, the challenge adding a delightful spark to the otherwise tranquil atmosphere. With each whispered word or gentle stroke of a fingertip, Aurora's laughter rang out, filling the cabin with warmth. But as the game progressed, fatigue began to tug at Aurora's eyelids. It was late, and the day had been long. She found herself leaning against Charles, the rhythmic thud of his heartbeat lulling her into a peaceful sleep.

Charles glanced down at Aurora, a soft smile playing on his lips. He adjusted his position, allowing her to rest more comfortably against him. There was a tenderness in his gaze as he watched her sleep, a silent vow to protect her from the world outside, if only for a little while longer. He had missed her, more than she would be able to comprehend. Time passed unnoticed as the jet soared through the night sky, carrying its precious cargo towards their destination. Charles made no move to disturb Aurora's sleep, content to bask in the quiet intimacy of the moment.

Eventually, the soft chime of the intercom signalled their impending descent. With a gentle touch, Charles woke Aurora, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face.

"We're about to land, Lora," he murmured, his voice a soothing melody.

Aurora blinked away the remnants of sleep, stretching languidly as she adjusted to her surroundings. With a smile, she met Charles' gaze, gratitude shining in her eyes.

"Thank you for letting me sleep," she said softly, her voice warm with sleep and affection.

Charles shrugged nonchalantly, though a tender gleam lingered in his eyes. "Anytime. You looked too peaceful to disturb."

As the jet touched down on the runway, signalling the end of their journey, Aurora felt a sense of contentment settle over her. After all, the weekend hadn't turned out as bad as she thought. As they stepped off the plane into the crisp night air, Aurora couldn't help but feel grateful for Charles' patience with her.


She tiptoed out of the house, eager to embrace the solitude of the early morning hours. The streets of Monaco were already beginning to stir with activity, the air alive with the hum of anticipation. Setting a brisk pace, Aurora began her run, the rhythmic pounding of her footsteps echoing through the quiet streets. She wasn't sure how she should feel about the weekend she'd had. It definitely had been eventful, to say the least. Her headphones were filling her ears with music, creating her own bubble.

Soon, she reached her destination: a quaint little café tucked away near the harbour of Monaco. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and ripe fruit greeted her and she couldn't help but smile. For someone with no memories of the past four years, this certainly felt like one.

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