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On Thursday morning, the sun caressed Aurora's face, gently waking her up. They had arrived in Miami late the previous night and had gone straight to bed. While Kika shared a hotel room with Pierre, Aurora had her own room right next to theirs. If she were being honest with herself, she was kind of nervous about surprising Charles with her support. Though she knew he wanted her to come, she hoped he wouldn't expect her to go from zero to one hundred now. For her, it was all about taking baby steps.

She had decided not to attend the free practices for two reasons. First, she wanted to ease back into Formula One without drawing too much attention. The more she would be present, the greater the chance she would be recognized as Aurora Leclerc. Second, she had never been to Miami, at least for as far as she could remember, which is why she wanted these two days to explore the city.

Kika had agreed to accompany her, thereby also skipping the free practices, agreeing only to attend the qualifying and the race itself. Pierre had reluctantly agreed with that. Aurora had just stepped out of the shower when, once again, Kika barged in.

"No Auri do not tell me you are not ready yet," Kika said disapprovingly. Her accent combined with the sunglasses on her nose made her more intimidating than she should have been.

"It's barely eight in the morning", Aurora said, a bit exasperated.

"Yes and the boat leaves at eight thirty so you better hurry."

"The boat?"

"Yes Aurora the boat, that thing that transports things and people on water," Kika said as she rolled her eyes. "Seriously, I didn't think the memory loss went that far."

"Ha, Ha. I know what a boat is Kika, I just didnt know we had a boat to catch at eight fucking thirty in the morning."

"Well we do love so hurry up or we're both gonna miss the boat."

Driving down the cost with the windows rolled open, it almost felt like Aurora was reliving a memory. Though, it must have been more like nostalgia because she did not remember ever being here.

"Kieks?" she asked as she put her sunglasses on her head, succeeding in getting her hair out of her face.


"Have I been here before, I mean as far as you know?"

Kika's face lit up with a mix of surprise and excitement.

"You have, we both have, do you remember?"

Aurora's stomach turned a little.

"No, I don't remember. I just... had a feeling? Like I've been here before, a bit like nostalgia."

"Well, just because you don't specifically remember does not mean this isn't serious progress Lora," Kika said with a bit more hope in her eyes than before.

"I hope so," she agreed while turning up the music.


On Friday, Aurora and Kika decided to go on a bike ride to the beach. After ensuring their bikes were securely locked, they took a stroll along the beach.

"I've missed the sun," Aurora admitted.

"I've missed our girlstrips," Kika said on her turn.

"Did we have those a lot?"

"We did, I think I've seen half the world with you."

As she pondered what to say in response to that particular statement, she got distracted by a passing car. However, it wasn't just any car; it was a McLaren Senna.

"Francisca, take a look at that car!" she exclaimed.

"I've never understood your obsession with cars Lora," Kika said as she rolled her eyes.

"But that's not just any car, it's a McLaren Senna."

"I think it's Lando Norris' car."

"Isn't he like... underage?"

"Not anymore Auri, he grew up in the four years that are missing in your head. He's around your age, you know."

"Does he still drive for McLaren?"




"Well he does have good taste in cars."

"I'm sure he does, but Lora, have you thought about your own little collection; yours and Charles'? He too has great taste in cars."

Aurora couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm not even sure what that collection consists of; I don't remember," she laughed as Kika shot her a disturbing glance.

"That's some dark humor Lora."

Though when Kika looked up, she too couldn't help but laugh. 

Doomed - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now