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The world spun into focus, revealing a foreign landscape to Aurora as she blinked away the haze of unconsciousness. The sterile white of the hospital room surrounded her, a stark contrast to the chaos echoing within her mind. Attempting to sit up, she was met with a dizzying wave of vertigo.

"Easy there," cautioned a gentle voice.

Turning, she found a doctor standing nearby, or at least, that's who she presumed her to be. "You've been through quite an ordeal. How are you feeling?"

"Confused," Aurora admitted, her voice hoarse.

"Take a moment," the doctor advised. "You've been through an accident. It's natural to feel disoriented."

The realization hit her like a sledgehammer: an accident? "I..." Aurora stuttered, truth crashing down around her. "I don't understand."

The doctor nodded sympathetically. "That's normal. I'm Dr. Moreau. Do you mind if I ask you some questions?"

"Eh, sure," she said, a hint of doubt in her voice.

"Do you remember your name?"

"Aurora Barlowe," she replied, the name feeling both familiar and foreign.

"Good. Can you tell me where you live?"

Aurora hesitated for a second before it came to her. "Paris, France."

"And lastly, what year is it?" the doctor inquired gently.

"2020," Aurora answered without a second thought.

Dr. Moreau's brows furrowed ever so slightly. "I see..."

"You see what?" panic starting to rise in her chest.

"You have answered none of my questions correctly," though her tone was sweet, her words cut through Aurora.

Aurora's heart skipped a beat. "What?"

Dr. Moreau handed her a cup of water, but her hands wouldn't stop shaking.

"Can you please tell me why those answers are wrong?" She tried to sound tough, taking a sip of water as she anticipated the answers.

"It's 2024, you live in Monaco, and your name is Aurora Barlowe-"

"See, that's just two out of three wrong."



"You should rest."

"The hell with my rest. Where even am I?"

"You are in the Princess Grace Hospital in Monaco."

"So you weren't kidding when you said I live in Monaco."

"Unfortunately not, no."

A silence fell as Aurora processed it all.

"Wait... I'm married...?" a small voice escaped her lungs as tears welled in her eyes.

"Yes," the doctor stated.

"To whom?"

"To Mr. Leclerc."

"Which one?" she asked, hoping it wasn't him.

Though Dr. Moreau opened her mouth to speak, she got cut short by the door bursting open.

"Lora, thank God you're awake."

Her heart sank when she laid eyes on the person storming into the room. Damn it, it was him.

"Mr. Leclerc, you have to step out."

"But my wife is finally awake."

His eyes locked onto hers as she fiddled with her hands. He took one step closer, his legs touching the bed she was in. He rested his hand on her leg as he opened his mouth to speak.

"I'm so glad you're okay."

"Don't touch me."

He quickly pulled his hand back, looking at Dr. Moreau.

"She was in an accident, Mr. Leclerc."

"Don't you think I know that?"

"She lost four years of her memories..."

His eyes filled with water as he looked at her.


"Please leave, my headache is killing me."

He stood up and quietly exited the room, unable to utter a single word. 

Saying 'no' to Lora was something he simply couldn't bring himself to do.

Doomed - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now