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Just five minutes before the race was set to begin, Aurora quietly entered the paddock. She figured it was a good time to slip in unnoticed, as the press usually flocked to the paddock entrance when the lights were about to go out. Kika, of course, would already be in the Alpine garage supporting Pierre, but Aurora didn't mind the brief moment alone. As she strolled through the paddock, she absorbed the atmosphere around her. Life had turned out quite differently than she had expected, but she was perfectly okay with that.

She slipped into the Alpine garage, taking a quiet spot next to Kika.

"I was wondering if you would come at all today," Kika whispered.

"Yeah, me too," Aurora sighed.

Earlier in the day, Aurora had confided in Kika about what had transpired with Charles the day before. Despite Kika's insistence that she should talk to Charles after the race, believing it to be a mere misunderstanding, Aurora remained uncertain. Whether she would follow through with Kika's advice was still up in the air. However, in sharing the details of her encounter with Charles, she had omitted any mention of her interaction with Lando. Somehow, that part felt private, not to mention that Aurora herself wasn't entirely sure how to process those emotions.

After the lights went out, Charles had only managed to lead the race for a single lap. By the time he drove past the chequered flag, he had slipped down to the 15th position. Aurora couldn't help but ponder what might have transpired during those crucial laps to cause such a significant setback.

As both Ocon and Gasly parked their cars back in the Alpine garage, Aurora felt a bit out of place. She wondered whether she should go and find Charles but was worried she might encounter a situation similar to what she had seen yesterday. As she contemplated heading to the Ferrari garage, her feet led her to the paddock instead. She strolled past the hospitalities that had begun to stir back to life. Walking by the McLaren hospitality, she noticed Lando Norris and Oscar Piastri making their way in. When Lando glanced over his shoulder and spotted her, he sent a wink her way. Doubting if the wink was meant for her, she looked behind herself to confirm, and indeed, it was. Clumsily, she waved back at him and decided to continue walking further up the paddock.

Her stomach started to churn as she neared the Ferrari garage. She stood in front of it for a while before deciding to walk in. Her eyes landed on the other Ferrari driver, Carlos Sainz. As she scanned the room, Charles was nowhere to be found. Gathering all her confidence, she walked over to the driver.

"Hi, I'm Aurora. Have you seen Charles?" she asked him, sounding more confident than she felt.

"I know who you are, Aurora," he told her with a kind smile.

"Of course, you do," she muttered more to herself than to the man standing in front of her. He must have noticed she was a bit uncomfortable, as he returned to answering her question.

"He's in his driver's room down the hall, last door on the left," he told her.

"Thanks," she said as she walked down the hall.

She took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

"Come in," she heard him say. She hesitated a moment before opening the door, quietly stepping inside, and closing the door behind her. He was facing the other way, busy taking off his shoes. Unsure of what to say, she remained silent. As he finally got both shoes off, he shoved them to the corner and turned around. When he did, it took him a while to find the words.

"Lora," he stated, looking at her with wide eyes.

"Leclerc," she nodded, noticing the pain in his eyes at her use of his last name.

"I'm so glad you're here," he said, standing up and taking a step closer to her.

"We're married, right?" she asked him.

He looked surprised for a moment before answering, "Yes, we are."

"Then why did I fly all the way out here to see you with another girl?" she asked him, trying not to sound too accusing.

"Aurora, it's not like that. She's Carlos' sister. She likes to tease him, pretending she's here to support me when we all know that's not the case. We're just friends, I swear," he said, taking a step closer to her. She took a step back, not wanting him too near. His post-race look was very attractive. Him being near, she wouldn't be able to focus on the conversation.

"It looked like more," she told him honestly.

"Aurora Barlowe Leclerc, I am out of my mind in love with one woman; you. This situation between us is killing me. I've been trying to keep my cool because I know how hard this is on you. But that does not mean that I do not think about you every minute of every day. I miss you so much. I would never, ever, fall for someone else. I am physically and mentally incapable of that, trust me."

Her full name, stated by Charles, should have made her feel weird. Instead, it sounded very natural. The way he said it mesmerised her.

"Ask Carlos or Vera, his sister; they will both tell you what I just told you," he desperately told her.

Somehow, she knew she didn't need to ask them. She believed him. He took a step closer to her. The smell of sweat and his amazing body smell made her a bit dizzy. She needed to get some distance. She took another step back, which is how she ended up with her back against the door. The next time he spoke, he spoke more quietly.

"I dropped back to fifteenth place because I couldn't get you out of my mind," he told her while not breaking eye contact. He took another step closer, and she still wasn't able to speak.

"Jealousy has never looked this good on you," he told her as his breath brushed her skin.



It might have been the smells, his looks, his words, or a combination of all of the above, but she closed the distance between their lips and let him kiss her. It started out soft and gentle, but it got more heated soon. As he slid his hand into her hair, she couldn't help but feel her stomach make a backflip. When she finally pulled away, both their breaths were heavy. He took a step back, looking her up and down.

"You look beautiful today," he told her.

She felt a blush creep up her cheeks as she gave him a shy smile.

"So do you," she told him honestly.

"Do you want to fly back with me tonight, or is that too much too soon?" he asked her, not succeeding in fully covering up the insecurity in his voice.

"I'd like that."

His eyes were shining in a way she hadn't seen before, at least for as far as she could remember.

"Do you have a jet, like Pierre?" she asked him with honest curiosity.

He laughed, "Of course I do."

"Of course you do," she smiled back.

She took a step closer towards him, wanting to give him just a bit more reassurance, and maybe needing it herself as well. She placed her arms around his waist and laid her head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, resting his head on hers. A hug had never felt this good, and though she didn't know it at the time; that was exactly what Charles was thinking.

Doomed - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now