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"I am officially here to kidnap you," Kika called out as she walked through the door. Aurora, startled by Kika's sudden entrance, quickly walked to where the sound of her voice came from. "How did you get in here," she asked while brushing her hair. "I have a key," she simply stated, as if that was something very obvious. While slightly feeling deprived of her privacy, Aurora couldn't help but smile at the women who stood before her. "Of course you do."

"Shouldn't you change?" Kika asked, raising one very intimidating eyebrow. "Why? What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" she asked as she looked in the mirror. She wore a pair of light wash jeans and a simple jumper. Honestly, she couldn't think of what was wrong about the outfit. "I see those four years also deprived you of your fashion sensibilities," Kika stated as she provided herself with a glass of water. "It's comfortable, Kika," she said as she sat down on one of the barstools. "Let's go upstairs, we haven't renewed your entire wardrobe for you to dress so offensively unfashionable."

Aurora guessed that was that, there was no room to argue.

As Kika disappeared into her wardrobe, Aurora sat down at her make-up table, at least that is what she figured it was supposed to be. She opened the drawers to find out that she apparently knew much more about make-up than she did four years ago. "Kieks?" she called out as Kika walked back into view. "You should teach me about all this make-up," she said with a sheepish look on her face. "Oh that's right, I completely forgot that I had to teach you about most of it," she said as she raised her eyebrows. Aurora just shrugged as she put her hair up in a bun and started to look for a concealer.

"Auri?" Kika called out from her wardrobe.


"Hows Charles?"

"He is... okay, I guess?"

"You guess?"

"We talked, last night"


"The situation"

"Ah, the situation, care to elaborate on that or am I supposed to deduct my way into understanding what you are talking about?"

"The memory loss situation, the 'I don't remember loving Charles' situation"

"That wasn't that hard was it?"


"Sorry, do go on"

"The last thing I remember is having just broken up with my ex boyfriend and moving to Paris"

"You mean Alex?"

"Yes... How do you know who I am talking about"

"We've been friends for nearly four years and you don't think I know all about your ex boyfriend?"


"Go on"

"Wait, did you say nearly four years?"

"I did"

"But that means..."

"Yes, your memories conveniently evaporated to until the day I met you"

"When did I meet you?"

"I was your roommate, in Paris"

"Shut up, really?"


"Things are starting to make a little bit more sense."

"I'm not sure if that is supposed to be a compliment or not, but you were telling a story, so go on"

"I eh, I stalked him on Instagram, Alex I mean, just to check up on him."

"There is no harm in that, it's very understandable to be curious about him"

"Yeah well, I found out that we are friends now"

"You are, he has a girlfriend, you a husband"

"I know..."

"But what does this have to do with Charles?"

"Well, I closed my laptop with his Instagram open. So, when Charles opened my laptop, he found out I was stalking Alex"


"We got into an argument"

"I see"

"I think he is frustrated"

"Who wouldn't be when his wife forgets she ever fell in love with him?"

"I know, but it just feels like a lot of pressure"

"I know honey"

"I told him that I haven't really tried, haven't given him a chance, because I'm hoping my memories will just return. That way, I don't have to try"

"As much as we are all hoping that will happen, we don't know when and if it's going to happen. You can't pause your life forever Auri."

"I know, I'm just not sure where to start"

"How about a date?"


"Charles you idiot, certainly not Alex"

"I think I might need that closure though"

"By seeing Alex?"


"I don't think Charles will like it."

"He might be my husband but he is not my boss, I'll do whatever I want to do"

"Girl power and all?"


"Just one question; are you sure you don't have feelings for Alex?" Aurora hesitated for a moment before answering.

"I don't know. But I need to see him in order to find out."

Kika threw an outfit onto the bed and sat down beside her.

"Don't tell Charles," Kika said, surprising Aurora with that statement.

"You mean lie to him?"

"Listen, Auri, if you find out you still have feelings for Alex you can tell him after. If you find out that's not the case, why worry him when he already has so much to worry about?"

"I suppose..."

"Exactly. Now, finish your make up and get dressed, I have a shoot to get to," Kika said as she walked through the bedroom door.

"Wait, what?"

"I'm a model, I have a shoot, you are simply coming with me."

"To watch you work?" Aurora asked while finishing up her make-up.

"Girlsday," Kika said, sending her a wink as she left the room completely.  

Doomed - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now