e.b. - love actually one shot

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A/N: These are Love Actually inspired one shots so some details (about both the story and the Slytherin boy) may be changed to create a better story. This story is based on Karen and Harry (Emma Thompson and Alan Rickman).

Hope you enjoy! Check out my TikTok SerpentsAndSongbirds for more.

Christmas is coming soon and despite the fact that your boyfriend, Enzo, is an awful gift giver, you're looking forward to it more than ever. After years and years of horrible gifts (bad Zonko's gifts, a sweater that didn't quite fit you, and loads of socks---Merlin there were so many socks), Enzo has promised that he'll surprise you this year.

"I'm going to pick out something special. You'll see," he said with a cheeky smile that had your heart racing. You were sitting in your dorm working on some homework for DADA while humming your favorite Lana Del Rey song. "I can't believe you like her," Enzo said with a shake of his head.

"Hey! She's incredible," you say defensively.

"Well, that can't be because I think you're incredible," he replies before leaning over and placing a soft yet sweet kiss on your lips. You smile before going back to humming your song.

The next day, you are leaving breakfast at the Great Hall when you find Enzo talking to your best friend, Astoria, alone in the corridor. Their faces were rather close together as they talked quietly. "Hey guys!" you say, running up to them. You silently think how odd it is to find them talking---while they've never hated each other by any means, they aren't friends either---but you dismiss it, happy to see the two most important people in your life finally starting to bond.

Astoria's eyes widen upon seeing you before beginning to dart around rapidly. "Uh, I-I better go," she stutters before leaving. She couldn't walk out of there fast enough.

"That was odd," you say to Enzo but he just shrugs nonchalantly. "Hey, I have to stay late in the library today to work on an assignment for Ancient Runes so I'll have to miss our movie night. I'm really sorry."

Enzo nods. You watch as his eyes light up momentarily. Is he happy that we aren't going to be hanging out anymore? you wonder but you tell yourself that can't be true. Enzo loves you. He must be thinking about how he can play Quidditch with his friends or something along those lines. That must be it. "That's fine," he says coolly. "I'll see you tomorrow then." You kiss him on the cheek before going off to your first class of the day. Still, as you continue to move throughout your classes, your mind struggles to put the pieces of the puzzle together. Seeing Enzo and Astoria alone in the corridor, whispering in hushed tones as they leaned in close together, Astoria's odd reaction, Enzo's lack of disappointment over your cancellation. Something seemed odd, though you didn't know what. You dismissed your concerns and headed to the library to work on your Ancient Runes paper.

Surprisingly, you finish your homework early and decide to head up to Enzo's dorm to see him. But when you get there, you are shocked to find him sitting on the bed with Astoria chatting eagerly. Their bodies are quite close together while Astoria whispers to him with a small smile on her face.

"I didn't know you two hung out," you say, interrupting their conversation with your eyebrows furrowed. Astoria's face drops before she begins to fiddle with her fingers. Then, she darts out of the room, leaving you with Enzo, who is staring at you as if nothing had happened. "What were you two doing?" you say, staring into his eyes while searching for the truth.

"Nothing," he replies simply, shrugging his shoulders. Even though your gut is telling you that something is off, you decide to ignore it. After all, he's your boyfriend of several years and she's your best friend. You trust them both. Or do you? After the second odd encounter of the day, you know that you should trust them. But whether you actually do is still up in the air.

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