d.m. - love actually one shot

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A/N: These are Love Actually inspired one shots so some details (about both the story and the Slytherin boy) may be changed to create a better story. This story is based on Sam and Joanna (the childhood love featuring Thomas Brodie-Sangster).

Hope you enjoy! Check out my TikTok SerpentsAndSongbirds for more.

10-year-old Draco Malfoy could care less about girls. He has better things to worry about, like playing quidditch with his best friends or becoming the best young wizard the world has ever seen. Like all boys at that age, girls weren't on Draco's radar. No, they were far from it.

That's why one summer day, he was particularly annoyed when his mother asked him to come inside and meet a young witch. "I think you'll like her, Draco. She's from a good family," Narcissa says with a smile but he just scoffs. A girl? Girls are a bloody waste of time. He doesn't even bother to smooth back his hair or wipe the dirt off of his face. He simply doesn't care to meet her.

But that all changes when he lays eyes on you.

You're standing next to your mother while she chats with Narcissa, the two of them eager to see how you two react to one another. You look so beautiful with your hair in soft curls partially tied back by an elegant black satin bow. You're wearing a matching dress with soft pearls lining the edges, ones that make you look like the most elegant and sophisticated 10-year-old the world has ever seen. He thinks you look like an absolute angel. No, you look like more than an angel. You're magnificent and beautiful and stunning and all sorts of words that young Draco can't even begin to come up with.

You smooth down your skirt as your wide eyes take in the large manor you're in. You're nervous, yes. At only 10, you had met dozens of pureblood boys but that didn't mean this one was any easier. In fact, it might be worse. The entire carriage ride here, your mother kept insisting that you make a good impression. "These are Malfoys, Y/n. One of the most powerful wizarding families in the world. Be a good girl when we're here, please." So the pressure was on.

You haven't noticed him yet but he's definitely noticed you, taking the time to fix his hair and wipe the dirt off his face frantically. Then, Draco straightens up before walking over to where you're standing. His chest is slightly puffed out while his head is held high---something his father taught him.

You finally notice him, gazing at him with soft wide eyes that make his heart stop. You're nervous to meet such a cute boy, especially when all of the others you've met are annoying and immature. They usually only care about Quidditch and being...well...boys. They aren't well versed in the delicate proclivities that come with being a pureblood daughter. But this boy, Draco, doesn't seem like that. He looks dashing in his black suit and confident smile, one that makes a weird feeling appeal in your stomach, like a million cornish pixies were flying inside of there. "My name is Draco," he says smoothly, extending an arm out to shake your hand. There's a little glint of humor in his eyes, one that he hopes masks his nervousness. After all, he's never met a girl as pretty as you. The fact that you're from a good family is just icing on the cake.

You stare at it and for a brief second, Draco is sweating profusely, wondering if you're not going to accept his hand. What if she doesn't like me? he wonders before another voice in his mind goes, Of course she'll like you. You're a Malfoy. Still, as you look at him with the prettiest eyes he's ever seen, he can't help but feel a tad insecure.

But slowly you begin to place your hand in his, wrapping your soft, small fingers around his large ones. The feeling of your soft skin on his drives him mad. Already, he's beginning to think of how he's going to woo you so he can feel your skin on his for the rest of his life. Draco has to compose himself before bending down and placing a delicate kiss on your knuckles, one that makes butterflies stir in both of your stomachs.

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