you wake up screaming from a nightmare

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Theo Nott

Theo is spending the night at your dorm when he hears you start to whimper in your sleep. "Cara mia?" he groans sleepily. He looks over and sees your face contorted with fear. "Y/n? What's wrong??"

Before he can do anything else, you begin to scream in your sleep. Theo panics and shakes you. Your eyes open but they aren't registering that he's there, surrounded by a cloud of fear. "Baby, baby it's me," he says softly, cupping your cheek and bringing your gaze to him. Your lower lip quivers before you look at him and burst into tears.

Theo immediately wraps his arms around you and begins to stroke your hair. Your tears soak the front of his shirt but he couldn't care less at this point; all he's thinking about is you. "Shh, principessa," he coos before kissing the top of your head. "I'm here. You're safe. It's alright."

"Don't let me go. Please," you sob, gripping him tightly. It's then that Theo realizes your bad dream must have involved him leaving.

"Oh, principessa," he says softly, using the nickname he always uses when you're distressed. "I'm not going anywhere."

"Promise?" you say, curling up on his chest. By this point, your sobs have turned into regular tears.

Theo nods. "I promise, my love. My place has always been by your side." He places another gentle kiss on your forehead and begins to stroke your back softly. Soon, he hears the sound of your even breath, indicating you've fallen back asleep. He smiles at the sight before wrapping the covers around both of you and settling in. Just before he falls asleep, Theo kisses your forehead. "Sweet dreams, principessa. I'm right here."

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Mattheo Riddle

(enemies w/tension) Mattheo is passed out on the couch of the common room after a particularly wild Slytherin party when the shrill sound of an alarm wakes up him. He groans and begins to sit up when he hears it again. The sound wakes him up even more so he blinks his eyes and takes in his surroundings. But when Mattheo hears the sound a third time, he freezes. Because it's then that he realizes it's not an alarm he's hearing. It's screaming.

He takes off running to the noise, not really knowing where or who it's coming from but knowing that someone needs help. He reaches your dorm and bursts in, not registering that it's his academic rival's room. When he sees you screaming on the bed in your sleep, he pauses. "Y/n?" he asks, slowly moving closer. You answer by screaming again. "Ah, fuck it. Aguamente," he says, squirting water from his wand onto you.

You sit up immediately, coughing through the water. You look and see Mattheo pointing his wand at you and immediately get angry. "Little late for another one of your pranks, Riddle," you spit angrily.

Mattheo rolls his eyes. "Oh please, princess. I was just waking you from a nightmare before you woke up the entire bloody castle with your screaming."

You furrow your eyebrows. "I-I was having a nightmare?" Mattheo nods. "Oh... thank you."

Your gratitude throws him off, causing him to soften his expression. "You're welcome," he mumbles before awkwardly grabbing his hair. "Eh... goodnight then."

"Goodnight, Mattheo," you whisper before watching him walk out the door. And as you stare at his retreating back, you can't help but think that maybe you've misjudged him. Maybe he isn't so bad after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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