m.r. - love actually one shot

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A.N. - these are love actually INSPIRED love shots so little details about the story and/or Slytherin boys may be changed to fit the story (so please don't comment that Mattheo isn't best friends with Adrian normally. I just couldn't bear to write badly about Theo and Enzo lol). This story is based on Mark and Juliet (the one with the signs).

Also, this is very NSFW lol. I put warning signs on the spicy content in case you aren't comfortable reading it!

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You're in your seventh year at Hogwarts and things couldn't be going better for you. In your mind, your life is absolutely perfect. You're a good student with promising grades, performing well on your fifth-year O.W.L.s, just behind Hermione Granger. Your N.E.W.T.S. will probably go similarly. You were from a good pureblood family, one that was wealthy enough to where you didn't have to work in your future. You had an older sister who you mostly got along with---when she wasn't being a little arrogant and selfish, that was. And you had an amazing boyfriend who doted on you completely.

There was just one, teeny tiny problem. Your boyfriend's best friend, the infamous Mattheo Riddle, hated you. No, he loathed you. Hate simply wasn't strong enough of a word.

Ever since you started dating Adrian Pucey in your fourth year, Mattheo has gone out of his way to make your life a living hell. He would test all of his pranks on you, pushing you into the vanishing cabinet, stealing your homework and turning it into joke pieces of parchment that would erase your work, and even turning your hair green for an entire week during your sixth year. You still couldn't live down some of the "Frog Head" nicknames that you earned that week. Every time he saw you, it was always a guessing game of whether he would make some rude comment or pull a vicious prank on you. And you weren't sure which was worse.

You didn't entirely know why Mattheo hated you and your boyfriend didn't know either, claiming that Mattheo had nothing but nice things to say about you until the two of you started dating. He constantly begged Mattheo to get along with you but that would only work for a day if you were lucky or an hour if you were not. Still, you tried to not let Mattheo get you down. After all, your life was virtually perfect outside of his jests.

Or so you thought.

You walk into your potions class with a sigh. You had just received an owl from your sister, who was subtly bragging about being called the prettiest woman in the ministry, a job she had earned after receiving only "Outstandings" on all of her tests. While you loved your sister, sometimes she did frustrate you. She was always the pretty sister, the smart sister, the funny sister, the talented sister, you name it. She was better than you at practically everything, something your parents didn't fail to bring up every holiday. "Cressida wouldn't have come second to Hermione," your father said once. "She was top of her class when she was at Hogwarts." It didn't help that your sister wanted to become the next Minister of Magic while you were content with the idea of being a housewife and a mother, after you traveled the world, of course. Your dreams were different but both were valid, something that not everyone tended to grasp.

Your sister didn't necessarily mean to make you feel insecure. After all, her owl wasn't boasting, just telling you everything that had happened in her amazing, more-than-perfect life. The insecurities were just something that kind of happened over the years. Thankfully, Adrian always made you feel amazing. He was always showering you with little compliments. And while his friend, Mattheo, was always mean to you, he never fully insulted you either. So when you were at Hogwarts, your insecurities temporarily abated. You could pretend to be someone outside of Cressida's younger sister. You could just be you.

Until you received owls like these from your sister. And then you were reminded that, in your family, you were always going to be second best. Because if an owl came from Cressida, it meant that one from your parents wasn't too far behind.

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