Chapter 7

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Talk to Me

January 23rd




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Nasiah layed on her couch comfortably with her notebook in hand.

She had an art gallery/exhibit she wanted to sign up for soon.

She planned to submit her ideas later today.

Right now she had been finishing a sketch of Ma'Kai she had on her notebook.

She had been missing her, so she decided to finish her drawing of her.

She heard her door open, knowing it was Demani coming through.

He was on his lunch break from his job.

He was dabbling in construction for now as he looked for what he really wanted to do.

"Hi Mani." Nasiah said as she kept her eyes focused on her paper

"Wassup." Demani said as he went to her fridge

He always came to her house during his lunch since his recent location was near her.

"You gonna go do your art thing soon?" Demani asked as he opened his water bottle

"Hmm, yeah. Soon." Nasiah said as she smiled and looked at her finished drawing

"What did you do?" Demani said as he squinted his eyes at his sister

"Huh, what are you talking about?" Nasiah asked as she moved her hair out of her face and looked up

"You're smiling at nothing. It's a little weird." Demani said

"Nothing. I just like what I drew." Nasiah said

"Ok." Demani said as he squinted his eyes at her in suspicion

"I'm about to leave." Demani said as he made his way to her door

"You just got here." Nasiah said

"Yeah, I know. They want us back so we can be done. We're almost finished." Demani said

"Ok. I'll see you." Nasiah said as he opened the door

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