Chapter 14

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High Enough

February 16th




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Ma'Kai didn't say anything as they walked down the hall to her room.

Maybe she was making it more awkward than it needed to be.

She did keep messing up, so she knew it was her fault whatever mess this was now.

"Mama Tina still has everything in here?" Nasiah asked as she walked in the room

"Yeah. I think she be missing us sometimes and be swearing she glad me and Mir gone. I don't know." Ma'Kai said as she shrugged before she sat on her bed, with Nasiah following

"She's just like I remember." Nasiah said as she smiled to herself

"I'm glad. Some people change. I mean probably in a good way but not how you remember and then nothing's the same." Ma'Kai said as she looked down

"I get what you mean. You know I think that what happened with us." Nasiah said

"Is that good or bad?" Ma'Kai asked as she looked at Nasiah

"I don't know yet." Nasiah said

"You wanna come over?" Nasiah asked impulsively, knowing she had more to say

"Like right now?" Ma'Kai asked

"Yeah, do you?" Nasiah asked

"Yeah, I'll come." Ma'Kai said as she nodded her head

"Well, I think we should leave now, it's like 25 minutes away." Nasiah said

"I got time." Ma'Kai said, wanting to add that'd she do almost anything for her, but keeping it short and perhaps platonic

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