Chapter 15

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February 23rd




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Kira cracked opened Ma'Kai's door and rolled her eyes once she saw her.

"Bruh, this girl sleeping again." Kira whispered to herself as she walked over to her bed

Ma'Kai was a light sleeper so she slightly stirred in her sleep when the outside light came into her room.

"Ma'Kai, come on. Wake up." Kira said as she poked her shoulder

"Hmm." Ma'Kai grumbled

"Come on. Let's do something." Kira said

"Like my mama." Ma'Kai mumbled, remembering that her mother never liked when she and Shamir slept in late

"I'll take that as a compliment. Where you wanna go?" Kira asked the girl sat up

"Nowhere." Ma'Kai said as she rubbed her eyes

"Girl, is you sick?" Kira asked as she put her hand on her forehead, checking her temperature

"No. Why you asking?" Ma'Kai said, confusedly

"Cause everyday after work you been coming in your room and not coming put till some food come." Kira said

"I'm fine." Ma'Kai said, hoping she sounded convincing enough

She wasn't physically sick but her guilt had been nagging at her the whole week.

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