001 - Greenie

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There's gotta be a reason that I'm here on Earth
Gotta be a reason for the dust and the dirt

There's gotta be a reason that I'm here on EarthGotta be a reason for the dust and the dirt

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i woke up to gentle shaking, groaning i rolled to the other side.

"rise and shine" i immediately regonized the owner of the voice - newt - he was probably my best friend in the 3 months ive been here.

"come on she bean" he spoke again "no"

"its greenie day"


"new clothes day?"


"panquake day?"


"get the shuck up"

i saluted him."ay ay captain"

"why do you have so much clothes" newt asked as we sat down in our usual table which in the morning consisted in us and alby. i would eat with the other people if newt didnt wake me up this early.

"like i get it your a girl but STILL" he complained as i dug into my plate as alby started speaking "greenie day"

"pancake day"

"new clothes day"

alby burried his face in his palms.

"you two are impossible"

"good morning sunshines" Katherine sang out as she enterd the med jack hut receiving a tired 'morning' in return.

when we come up in the box we have to try every job, except the runners which i was very bumped about, still am by the way.

There are two medjacks clint and jeff, clint being the keeper. theyre very cool and sweet.

"Why is this so messy? I literally cleaned it yesterday" I asked, looking at the two boys who both gave eachother looks. "You too are menaces" I sighed."How on earth do you manage to do this!?"

I picked up on of the leftover crates to organize the medical stuff on the counter, separating them amd putting it on the shelves while the two boys remained in silence.

"Did you hear the new tea about max and andrew" jeff asked, breaking the silence. I dropped the syringe I was holding and sat on one of the beds "spill" that was being a med jack for you.

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