005 - deja vu

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"Guys get up!" Chuck exclaimed from his spot on the grass

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"Guys get up!" Chuck exclaimed from his spot on the grass. The others, with some protests, got up from their spot, watching as the maze doors opened, but nobody there.

"I told you, Chuck." Newt said, sending the younger boy a apologetic look, ignoring the fact that his best friends were dead. "They're not coming back. Let's go." The blonde said, as the gladers started walking away.

Zak however, turned back once before making his way, he saw four figures running out the maze, quickly turning back again, to see that he was not in fact hallucinating and that there were indeed alive.

"No way" he muttered, loud enough for the others to turn back and look at the same sight that he was seeing.

Newt and Chuck flashed a big grin, happy to see their friends back. "Yeah! Yes! Yeah!" Chuck laughed, quickly making his way to them.

Newt's grin quickly vanished as saw a unconscious Alby, beeing carried by Thomas and Minho, his legs being held by Katherine.

The medjacks, walked over, as the three put Alby down, Newt kneeled next to Alby, raking in his appearance.

The medjacks brought Alby to their shack. The rest of the gladers made their way to the gathering room, as a mandatory meeting was demanded

"What happened out there?" The blonde questioned the trio "How did you guys make it out?" Chuck asked "You saw a Griever?" the curly haired boy asked, turning to Katherine, who was the closest to him.

"Yeah, we saw one." The girl responded. "She didn't just see it. She killed it." Minho said and Katherine, who was next to the boy, hit his ribs lightly, as if to signal him to shut up.

The gladers all shared shocked expressions, some even commeting on his statement.

The gladers all shared shocked expressions, some even commeting on his statement

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"Things are changing. There's no denying that." Much to my dismay, Gally has taken control of the gathering .

"First, Ben gets stung in broad daylight." My body tensed as I heard his name, I still wasn't over it. "And then Alby." Gally stated

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