Pushover - Ch. 3

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"This work is going to be done in pairs of the same gender." The biology teacher, Mr. Campbell, announced to the class, about the work that he just assigned as the project.

"Oh, no, I thought of asking Charlie to be my pair." Felix whispered to Evan, who was sitting next to him.

"You do know I'm of your same gender right?" Evan whispered back.

"Yes, but what-" Felix said, oblivious.

"Let's make this assignment together."

"You sure? You know, you can probably get an actual useful partner-"

"I wanna do it with you! Don't worry, we'll sort it out." Evan said, followed by a slight chuckle and the sound of him writing something in his notebook.

"Just know that I'm probably going to be a pushover…"

"I can deal with that."

- - • • • - -

"It's good you two are getting along fine!"

Charlie said, as she and Felix walked through the hallway, Felix had his left hand wrapped on Charlie's right arm.

There were lots of voices around, Felix has learned to tolerate the loud noise, but still, he keeps saying he'd prefer the world to keep quiet or lower the volume.

"So who did you get as your pair this time?" Felix said, curious.

"This girl called Monika, I hope she actually does her part…" Charlie said, discontented.

"That girl, with the jock boyfriend?" Felix said, mockingly.

"That one, I think." Charlie responded, then she sighed.

As they passed by, Felix got to listen to a conversation nearby, between 2 boys.

"That one guy Felix, always sticks around with Charlotte Rogers, right?"

"Yes, I bet they are dating!"

"Maybe they are cousins?"

"They don't have the same last names."

"Doesn't matter, look how cute they seem holding each other!"

"Pretty sure he does that because he's blind."

"Oh, geez, that explains some things, poor of her for having to handle him all the time."

“That's kinda rude though.”

“As if they could listen to us.”

It was annoying, having other people speculate or mock you behind your back, but there was close to nothing he could do to deal with it.

"I wish i could do the work with 'ya, but Mr. Campbell is very quirky with the large assignments." Charlie said, rolling her eyes.

"He's grumpy, but he wants to give a good class. I learn a lot from him." Felix protested.

"You teacher's pet!" She giggled out.

"... So no one has caught your attention? Or have you caught someone's?"

"No, not yet, i'm really bored, when's my turn for a high school romance?" Charlie wondered.

"Soon, what kind of guy wouldn't wanna go out with you?" Felix claimed.

"Probably any kind, I'm kind of losing faith…" Charlie said, disappointed.

"Isn't it a bit too soon to lose faith?"

"It's perfectly on time."

"Don't be a bummer!"

"I'm not!"

"Whatever you say, drama queen…" Felix giggled.

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