Facade - Ch. 22

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- - • [Following Evan] • - -

Evan knew it was inevitable to come out to his teammates forever, he resigned to it, but it doesn't mean he was wide open to it.

If he wanted to start this, if he wanted to fit in, and be part of the team, he would need to drop his facade.


After classes, he and the rest of the teammates would go to the locker room, before Felix departed, he wanted to talk with him at the exit.

"So, i'll probably be coming out as trans to the team." Evan said, emotionless.

"Oh, that's- that's complicated." Felix confirmed.

"I can't hide things forever, and if people freak out, it's their own problem." Evan reassured. "I'll only tell because of the whole locker room thing, and the binder."

"What was a binder again?" Felix asked innocently.

"This thing i use on the chest so it looks all flat." Evan explained, with a bit of humor, taking it nicely.

"Right, that's the thing." Felix realized.

"It's gonna be okay." Evan told Felix, and also told himself.

"Why do people care so much?" Felix sighed.

"Truly no idea." Evan chuckled.

Felix smiled and reached out to touch Evan's fingers slightly.

"Is there no people around?" Felix asked.

"Not really, people left already."

Felix threw his face in front of him, trying to kiss Evan, only to kiss his forehead instead, which is good enough.

"I know what you tried to do, but i'm shorter than you." Evan reminded.

"Right, i need to go, Charlie must be waiting for me." Felix bid goodbye.

"Tell Charlie goodbye from my part!" Evan said out loud, as Felix grabbed his walking stick from his pocket and walked away.

"Now the hard part is gonna begin." Evan monologued.

- - • • • - -

Evan walked along with the rest of his teammates into the locker room which was beside the field, he had a gym bag which had his uniform hung on his right shoulder, they seemed to be already very talkative around each other, but Evan struggled to get comfortable around them.

"Hey Evan, come with us to change, don't be shy again." Carter said, mockingly.

Evan sighed, grabbed his stuff, he could feel shivers around his body, he's used to that feeling by now.

He put down his bag on a bench, the farthest to the left, and he simply stared down at the clothes for a short while.

"Are you okay?" Carter asked, because of Evan's visible discomfort.

Evan nodded. "Everything... Fine..." He said emotionless.

"We have roughly 10 minutes, hurry up." Carter announced.

He said to himself 'Fuck it.' as the others were already changing to their uniforms, Evan turned around, seating on the bench and quickly changed.

"Are you wearing a crop top?" Ben asked, confused.

Evan got startled, his binder was black, so it was clearly visible.

Evan put the uniform shirt on immediately, and quickly put on the shorts too.

"I don't have a problem if you like to use crop tops, to be honest." Ben shrugged it off.

"It's not- it's..." Evan tried to excuse himself somehow.

The rest of the team didn't seem to pay attention to him, which was probably a relief.

"We have to go, you'll talk later." Carter said, trying to hurry Evan and Ben.

Evan avoided the situation by following the team, apart from this, the rest of the practice was just fine.

He couldn't keep up with more veteran players, but people gave him a shot, since he was pretty new to the team, even when he knew the sport way back.

It would've been easier if he had Felix to cheer him on.

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