Chapter 11: Rise Through The Night

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A/N: Hi, my lovely readers! Welcome back to the story of Kenzie, Juliebean, and company!😊💖

The picture is a character board I made of Kenzie Mercer (you can see the others on my TikTok & Insta, links in bio)!

I highly recommend having tissues, furry friends (if you have any), a snack, and a drink (stay hydrated) nearby! (Wow, how many times have I given this spiel?)

Anyway, prepare for another rollercoaster, and as always, don't forget that Votes & Comments are welcome (keep them respectful, please).💙

Your support is appreciated more than you know!😊

Without further ado, happy reading!💜🦋 *tips hat & vanishes with a smile*

"How many days do you shed the pain
of your darker days?... The greatest things you'll ever know
are invisible." -Zara Larsson (lyrics from her song, "Invisible")

Alex's POV

I smiled wistfully as I watched Kenzie hurry back to the house, finding myself amazed once again at her kindness. It was only the start of our second day back, and Kenzie and Julie had welcomed us into their home with open arms. Yeah, it was true that our first impressions were not the smoothest, but it still worked out, and besides, their reactions were reasonable under the circumstances. I understood Julie's irritation on that first night when we showed up in the studio and I could relate to Kenzie's confusion-filled response too, especially after our talk last night. I mean, from the moment the guys and I woke up in the dark room to our crash-landing in the studio, and even now there was a stream of questions in my head, and it only grew longer by the second. Why are we ghosts? What is up with the teleporting thing? Oh yeah, and, WHY WERE WE IN A DARK ROOM FOR 25 YEARS?!?!?

My anxiety was setting in and my breath -- Wait, could ghosts even breathe? Great. Another question to add to the list. -- was coming in fast bursts. I couldn't think clearly and bits of memories were flooding my mind in an overwhelming torrent; "Guys! We booked it!", "Own your awesomeness for once!", "Eat up boys, 'cause after tonight, everything changes.", ...and then, the wailing sirens filling the air.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Then, when I thought I was going to have my first panic attack as a ghost, a different memory came to mind; I was sitting on the couch at the Patterson's, waiting for Luke to get his guitar so we could go to the studio. Mitch was at work and Emily was in the kitchen making hot chocolate and a plate of cookies.

Absentmindedly humming something I heard Reg practicing the other day, I glanced around the room, my eyes flickering over the pictures of Luke with that trademark grin of his, the house plants that Emily carefully tended, the little side table with a few books stacked on top and a lamp for nighttime reading. My thoughts drifted and I started fiddling with the fraying seams of my jacket, then Emily came into the room with a tray of treats and cocoa. Though, it was left forgotten on the coffee table when she saw me.

"Alex, sweetheart, can you hear me?" I heard her words, but they sounded muffled like she was talking to me from another room with a closed door between us. I had slid off the couch and onto the floor, and I could barely see what anything around me was; it all just looked like swirls of color that were fuzzy at the edges. I was vaguely aware of the hot tears spilling down my cheeks and my shaking fingers fiddling with my rings and the rainbow rubber band bracelet that the guys made me for my birthday a few years ago.

Emily crouched down next to me, still giving me a good amount of space, and gently asked, "Alex, can I give you a hug? Is that okay?"

I took a minute, letting my mind register the question. I wasn't shaking as much now, the world looked a little less blurry, and being on the floor was slowly helping me ground myself. Then, I tried my best to meet her eyes and nodded, managing to say, "Y-yeah, that's okay," though my voice cracked from the tears.

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