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Banxia novel

Banxia novel>The last days are reborn>Chapter 35: Illusion Spider

Chapter 35: Illusion Spider

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Chapter 35 Illusion Spider

The surprise in Zhao Fan's eyes was fleeting, and he paused and said, "Mutant spiders also need to eat, and it is better to take the initiative to attack by waiting for food here." So there is a possibility that the alienated people here are the food that mutant spiders have driven from elsewhere to keep in captivity. And the aliens here are so anomalous, I suspect that these mutated spiders have special abilities, such as illusions. If these alienated people live in the illusion created by the mutant spiders, they will naturally not be able to perceive the outside.

This group of mutant spiders is blessed, and they are all spirit beasts with normal eyes, but this group of spiders hates humans very much, regards humans as enemies, and cannot communicate. In that case, it can only destroy them.

Listening to Zhao Fan's words, Zhao Yongguo's eyes flashed with a hint of appreciation, and after the appreciation, he was dignified.

"If there really are illusion spiders in the mutant spider swarm, then it will be difficult for us to complete the task." Zhao Yongguo said with a solemn face.

After Zhao Yongguo finished speaking, several people had solemn faces on their faces.

"It's just Zhao Fan's speculation that there are illusion spiders now, and we should immediately confirm whether there are illusion spiders here." Ning Chen said, "If there is, we will immediately change the original battle plan."

"Captain Ning, how do you prove that there are no illusion spiders there?" Zhao Fan asked with a twisted eyebrow.

"I'll take a small team to attack the mutant spiders." Ning Chen paused and said.

"Captain Ning, if you lead a small team to attack, that mutant spider may not use the illusion ability on you." Zhao Fan reminded.

After listening to Zhao Fan's words, Ning Chen and Zhao Yongguo were silent, this possibility is very high.

"I'm a psychic psychic and I can try to find that spider." Xu Ruchu said.

"Boy, you've finally got to the bottom of it." Ning Chen patted Xu Ruchu's shoulder and said.

At this moment, Zhao Yongguo and Zhao Fan's father and son seemed to have a heart, and both of them frowned, expressing great dissatisfaction with Ning Chen's behavior of patting Xu Ruchu's shoulder.

"Captain Ning, whether a man is kissed or not, pay attention to your behavior." Zhao Fan twisted his eyebrows and said, this Ning Chen likes men.

"Huh, do men accept kisses?" Ning Chen snorted coldly, and then wanted to hug Xu Ruchu, but Xu Ruchu avoided him.

"Xu Ruchu, what are you hiding?" Ning Chen asked.

"Men and men don't kiss." Xu Ruchu straightened out his clothes and said.

"Ning Chen, you're naughty again." Zhao Yongguo said dotingly, and after speaking, he changed the topic and said, "Xu Ruchu, you immediately look for the illusion ability mutant spider now."

"Yes." Xu Ruchu said.

Zhao Fan pursed his lips, and then said, "As before, you first investigate these locations, and these locations are all hidden first-order mutant spiders. After speaking, he told Xu Ruchu the location, which he sensed by the ability to control beasts.

Xu Ruchu nodded, and then released his spiritual ability and began to investigate those locations.

"The mutant beast is promoted so quickly, how can we humans live?" Ning Chen said with a worried face.

"I don't want to die, I can only make myself stronger than the mutant beast." Zhao Fan said with a firm look in his eyes.

"Zhao Fan is right, not wanting to die can only make us human beings stronger. The rapid advancement of mutant animals and plants is their advantage, but we humans also have the advantages of our humans, and we humans have wisdom. Zhao Yongguo said.

Zhao Yongguo continued: "We humans can arm ourselves with our wisdom, and I believe that we humans will eventually stand at the top of the food chain again."

Listening to Zhao Yongguo's words, Zhao Fan secretly thought: Zhao Yongguo is worthy of being the supreme leader of the Dawning Base in his previous life, and his vision is long-term. He should be proud to have such a father.

"But the most important thing for us at the moment is to eliminate the mutant spider swarm in front of us, obtain the food inside, solve the food crisis in the base, and let the remaining humans survive." Zhao Yongguo looked at them and said, and after speaking, his gaze fell on Zhao Fan.

"Zhao Fan, the ability is important, and ordinary people are equally important." Zhao Yongguo looked at Zhao Fan and said, he didn't want Zhao Fan to discriminate against ordinary people like some supernatural people.

"I know that." Zhao Fan said, "But now some people don't know anymore, if these people are allowed to be the leaders of the base, then ordinary people will have no way to live." Ordinary people are dead, so there is only one fate for the supernatural, and that is to perish.

Now everyone doesn't understand the importance of ordinary people, and when they find out that the children of the supernatural are difficult, they realize the importance of ordinary people, and the various bases begin to improve the lives of ordinary people.

And among all the bases that Zhao Fan has been to, the Dawning Base has the best treatment for ordinary people. And the Dawning Base is also the first base of all bases to restore the legal system, which is all the credit of the man in front of him. He didn't know why the man in front of him would ascend to the throne in the third year of the last life in his previous life, but he hoped that the man in front of him could ascend to the throne in advance in this life. It's not because the man in front of him is his father, it's just because the man in front of him is a good leader.

Zhao Fan understands the truth of cold lips and teeth, and he hopes that human beings can continue. If all human beings are extinct, he and Xu Ruchu will not be able to live.

"Now you can see the problem with the base, yes." Zhao Yongguo looked at Zhao Fan and said appreciatively, Zhao Fan has such a vision, which shows that he is not incompetent.

"When this mission is over, let's have a good talk." Zhao Yongguo Road.

"Okay." Zhao Fan said, since he has decided to recognize Zhao Yongguo, it is necessary to come and go.

Listening to Zhao Fan's words, Zhao Yongguo hooked his lips and smiled, his son was willing to associate with him.

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