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Banxia novel

Banxia novel>The last days are reborn>Chapter 68: Xu Ruchu makes a move

Chapter 68: Xu Ruchu makes a move

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Chapter 68 Xu Ruchu made a move


noon, Zhao Yongguo and Ning Chen did not come back, Zhao Fan and Xu Ruchu had just finished lunch, and Hao Qing came to the door.

"Ms. Hao, is there something?" Zhao Fan looked at the uninvited Hao Qing and asked.

"Son, do you have to talk to your mother in such a tone? Mom was so uncomfortable to hear. Hao Qing said with a sad face.

"Ms. Hao, if you just want to talk to me about these meaningless words, then you can leave now." Zhao Fan twisted his eyebrows and said, secretly thinking: Hao Qing's skin is thicker than he thought.

"Son, mom came here today because I have something to tell you." Hao Qing hurriedly said, "Son, my mother just got the news that Zhao Yongguo handed over all the rights in his hands to his nephew Zhao Lan.

"Oh." Zhao Fan said lightly, and then there was no follow-up.

Hao Qing looked at Zhao Fan's careless attitude, frowned slightly, and thought secretly: How is this different from what he thought, shouldn't Zhao Fan be very angry when he hears the news?

"Son, Zhao Yongguo recognized you with the front foot, and handed over all the rights in his hands to his nephew with the back foot, doesn't he want to give you the rights in his hands? Son, do you understand? Hao Qing looked at the silent Zhao Fandao, and then said: "Son, now you can see the true face of Zhao Yongguo clearly."

"What can you see, what can you do if you can't see clearly?" Zhao Fan looked at Hao Qing and asked.

"See his true face, you will follow your mother, and everything from your mother will be given to you." Hao Qing looked at Zhao Fan Dao.

"What's in all of you?" Zhao Fan asked.

Listening to Zhao Fan's words, Hao Qing was stunned, what was everything about her, she didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Okay, Ms. Hao, I don't need everything for you, and I can't give you what you want, so don't come to pester me in the future." Zhao Fan looked at Hao Qing like this and said.

After Zhao Fan finished speaking, he didn't give Hao Qing a chance to speak, he continued: "Ms. Hao, what you said is out of the blue, and I don't feel a trace of maternal love from you. You want to recognize me as nothing more than taking a fancy to me and Ruchu's ability, and you want us to do things for your Hao family. Ms. Hao, do you say?

"It's not." Hao Qing shook her head and said, and then said: "Son, I don't care if you believe it or not, my mother recognizes you because you are my son, and there is no other reason."

"Ms. Hao, I'm not a fool, and I hope you don't take me for a fool either." Zhao Fan said softly.

Hearing Zhao Fan's words, Hao Qing's pupils constricted, maybe Zhao Fan was not as simple as he thought.

"Son." Before Hao Qing could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Zhao Fan, "Call me Zhao Fan."

After listening to Zhao Fan's words, Hao Qing changed her words with a sad face: "Zhao Fan, don't you really want to recognize me?"

"I made it very clear yesterday that we will be strangers from now on." Zhao Fan said expressionlessly.

"Oh, stranger, what a stranger." Hao Qing said in a sad tone, "Zhao Fan, no matter what I have done to you, the fact that you are conceived and born in October cannot be changed.

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