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Banxia novel

Banxia novel>The last days are reborn>Chapter 143: The Ancestor of the 100,000 Mountain Abilities

Chapter 143: The Ancestor of the 100,000 Mountain Abilities

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Chapter 143: Ancestor

of the Hundred Thousand Mountain Abilities

"Zhao Fan, what do you think of our One Hundred Thousand Mountain Abilities?" Qi Yun asked such a question in a flash.

Zhao Fan paused for a moment and said, "Do you want to listen to the truth or listen to the lie?"

"Truth." Qi Yun Dao.

Zhao Fan smiled and said, "The truth is not good.

"It's okay, I'm very tolerant of people I like." Qi Yun said with a smile.

"Huh." Zhao Fan snorted lightly and said, "I admit that you 100,000 mountain powerhouses have strength, but to be honest, I don't like you 100,000 mountain powerhouses, you are arrogant and look down on people from the outside world,......" "

I didn't expect us to be so unbearable in your eyes." Qi Yun paused for a moment and said, then continued: "I admit that we are proud, and that is because we have the capital of pride. I confess that we look down on people from the outside world, and that's because our blood is nobler than your people from the outside. I admit it..."

After Qi Yun finished speaking, he looked at Zhao Fan and said, "Zhao Fan, do you know where the ancestors of our 100,000 Great Mountain Abilities come from?"

"It doesn't come out of a crack in the rock." Zhao Dan said.

"It's true that our ancestors didn't jump out of the cracks in the stones, but our ancestors didn't belong here either." Qi Yun said with a distant gaze, "Our ancestors came from outside this planet.

"Aliens?" Zhao Fan interjected.

"Yes, aliens, it can also be said. According to the shovels left by our ancestors, our ancestors came from another continent, and the people of that continent all cultivated abilities, and when they cultivated to a certain level, they could also step through the void and go to a higher continent to cultivate. Therefore, all of us in the 100,000 mountains are very eager for that continent. Qi Yun looked at Zhao Fan and said, "And we say that our bloodline is noble because our ancestors were all nobles of that continent, because they were accidentally displaced to this planet, because they couldn't find their way home, they settled in the 100,000 mountains, and then passed it down from generation to generation." As for those innate abilities who have wandered outside, they are all descendants of the combination of the 100,000 mountain abilities and your outsiders.

"Miss Qi, are you sure you're not telling a story?" Zhao Fan raised his eyebrows and asked.

"You don't believe me?" Qi Yun asked rhetorically.

"I think it's a fantasy." Zhao Fan said.

"In the past, you could think that I was talking about the Arabian Nights, but now that our planet has changed dramatically, and you have become a paranormal yourself, do you still think that I am talking about the Arabian Nights?" Qi Yun asked rhetorically.

"Even if what you say isn't fantastical, can you still take us to the continent where your ancestors are located? Don't say you could, if you could, you would have left a long time ago, and you wouldn't have stayed in this place where alien energy is thin until now. Zhao Fan said to Qi Yun, although his face was still calm, but what kind of ripples were set off in his heart, only he knew.

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