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Banxia novel

Banxia novel>The last days are reborn>Chapter 54: Saving People

Chapter 54: Saving People

Turn off the lights Small, medium and large

Previous Chapter: Chapter 53 Underground LaboratoryNext Chapter: Chapter 55: Project Undead

Chapter 54 Saving People

I have to go with you to the laboratory to save Ning Chen, there is no need to discuss. Zhao Yongguo said resolutely.

"I understand your feelings, but you went down with us, who led the troops to besiege the Wang family's mansion?" Zhao Fan stared at Zhao Yongguo and said, "Don't worry, Ruchu and I will definitely bring Ning Chen out unscathed."

"I'll let Lao Ding take someone there, and it's decided, let's go." Zhao Yongguo said with a hammer.

After listening to Zhao Yongguo's words, Zhao Fan and Xu Ruchu knew that it was useless to talk more, so he stopped persuading.

In this way, Zhao Yongguo arranged it, and then Chen Ming took the three of them directly to the east gate, and at this time, Chen Ming was able to take the three people to teleport three times.

"This is it, Brother Chen, two thousand meters away." Xu Ruchu said.

Chen Ming nodded, there was no problem below two thousand meters, and then the figures of several of them disappeared at the east city gate.

"Ning Chen." Zhao Yongguo looked at Ning Chen lying on the experimental table, shouted with scarlet eyes, and came to Ning Chen's side in the blink of an eye.

"Brother, you're here." Ning Chen opened his eyes and said with a smile on his face.

"How did you get in?" The assistant shouted in panic and ran out the door after shouting.

Zhao Fan ended this person's life with a spatial blade, and he was not merciless at all when he killed such a person.

Xu Ruchu pressed a button and opened the restraints on Ning Chen's body. Just then, the alarm sounded in all corners of the laboratory.

"Brother Chen, you take the general and Ning Chen and leave quickly, and leave it to us here." Xu Ruchu said.

"I'm not leaving, Chen Ming, you take Ning Chen with you immediately." Zhao Yongguo, who dressed Ning Chen, had just been beaten with muscle relaxants and ability suppressants at this time, and he had no strength at all.

"Brother Chen, take the general and Ning Chen away." Zhao Fan didn't talk nonsense.

After listening to Zhao Fan's words, Chen Ming didn't give Zhao Yongguo a chance to refute, and directly teleported away with Zhao Yongguo and Ning Chen. In his heart, Zhao Yongguo's safety is the most important.

As soon as they left, Xu Ruchu said: "We have been covered with a spiritual barrier here, and that person's strength is stronger than mine."

Listening to Xu Ruchu's words, Zhao Fan's brows furrowed tightly.

At that moment, the door of the laboratory opened, and a middle-aged man with a gentle appearance walked in, this person was the doctor in the mouth of the assistant just now.

"Since you've rescued my experiments, stay here." The doctor's gaze swept towards Xu Ruchu and Zhao Fan like X-rays, and said with a satisfied expression.

"What level of ability do you have?" Zhao Fan looked at the doctor and asked.

"Level three, I'm at the beginning of level three." The doctor looked at the shocked two people and said with a smug expression: "You don't have to envy me, as long as you follow me, I will soon be able to promote you to the third level."

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