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Banxia novel

Banxia novel>The last days are reborn>Chapter 152: News of the Sixth-level Sea Beast

Chapter 152: News of the Sixth-level Sea Beast

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Previous Chapter..Chapter 151 Zhao YonghuiNext Chapter: Chapter 153: Mutant Whales

Chapter 152 News

of the Sixth-level Sea Beast After

Zhao Yonghui jumped into the sea, Xu Ruchu and Zhou Chang also left the cruise ship.

"Captain, why did you agree to the third child leaving our team?" Gu Yue stomped his feet.

"Gu Yue, I understand what you mean. But the twisted melon is not sweet, and we can't keep the third child, he is the darling of the sea. The captain looked ahead and said, they were the third child they met after entering the sea, and the third child had to swim back alone. Then, at his invitation, temporarily joined their team.

"Captain, without the third child, our next road is not easy." Gu Yue said with a worried face.

"I know." The captain pursed his lips.

Zhao Yonghui couldn't hear their words, because she had already swam far away at this time. He is very fast in the water, no slower than the mutated seagull in the air.

"You're fast enough." Zhou Chang stood on the mutant seagull and looked at Zhao Yonghui and said, "It's no problem to swim back at your speed."

"That's what I intended at first." Zhao Yonghui said with a smile, and shouted at Xu Ruchu after speaking: "Niece and daughter-in-law, you can take me for a ride."

"Okay." Xu Ruchu said with a smile.

After Zhao Yonghui jumped on Xu Ruchu's mutated seagull, the two chatted.

"As always, my eldest nephew is really not in danger?" Zhao Yonghui asked.

"It's really not dangerous, if it's dangerous, I'm still in the mood to talk to you here." Xu Ruchu said with a smile.

"I'm relieved when you say that." Zhao Yonghui breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and asked again, "What are you doing here?" "We're here to find high-level mutant sea beasts

." Xu Ruchu said, "By the way, you have been sailing in the sea for so many days, have you ever encountered a high-level sea beast?"

Zhao Yonghui wrinkled his brows: "What are you looking for high-level sea beasts for?" Want the crystal nucleus on his body?

After listening to Zhao Yonghui's words, Xu Ruchu told Zhao Yonghui what happened.

"There are so many fourth-level sea beasts entrenched there?" Zhao Yonghui wrinkled his eyebrows and said, "Why do I feel that it is not normal there?"

"We also felt there was something wrong with that place." Xu Ruchu twisted his eyebrows and said, "It's just that we can't find the problem."

Zhao Yonghui nodded, and then said, "I'll go with you to have a look."

"Okay." Xu Ruchu said.

Zhao Yonghui paused for a moment and said, "As for the way you fishermen can make a profit, it's okay, but the danger is too great." The ocean is not as calm as you see it now, and there are many sea beasts with heads above level 4 hidden inside. If you encounter a level 6 sea beast, the chances of a few of you escaping are equal to none.

"Don't believe it, how terrifying the strength of the sixth-level sea beast is, it's not something you can imagine." Zhao Yonghui looked at Xu Ruchu and said.

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