The start of a new life

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11 years ago
"Please don't take her!!!! She's my daughter too!!!!"

All I remember is my father yelling, begging, my mother not to take me. I can barely recall what happened but it felt like yesterday.

"Until you start acting like a father, then you can see her!"
"Please Shelby!!!"
"Goodbye will"

My father was a good dad at least at some point in his sorry life. There was a time when he loved me, even if it was just for a little while. The next week mom had already enrolled me in kindergarten in a cow town called Lima, Ohio. That's where I met my life long best friend.

The week after
"Hey mr, you're going to fall!!!"
I was only five and already bossing people around. I was yelling at a little boy swinging upside down from the swings. 
"Oh yea watch this bossy pants!"
He was trying to prove me wrong and ended up doing the opposite. He fell down and showed up to school the next day with a blue cast on his right arm. The teacher told me to help this little boy because, I'll admit , I was the teachers pet already.
"I told you!!!"
"Yea I know little bossy girl!!"
At this point I was mad cause I don't like being called names
"My name is RACHEL BERRY!!! You poopy head!"
"Hey that's not my name!!! "
A little Latina girl passed by and said
"Yes it is" and walked away
"NOO!! It's Finn Hudson!!!"
"Whatever finny, I'm supposed to help your clumsy butt now!"
"I don't want your help!"
"I don't care, teacher told ME to help YOU!! So you're stuck with me!!"
"Whatever bossy berry" Finn mumbled I smacked his arm and replied
"That's not my name!"
"Owwww fine MISS RACHEL BERRY!!"
"Thank you"
Little by little we became closer. He would share his cookies with me and I'd share my milk. When it was time to have Finns cast off we had become really good friends. His mom and my mom were really good friends so our play dates became even more frequent. I would always make him play house with me and participate in my tea parties. Even if he didn't like it at times. In return he made ME play cops and robbers and football. But one day around Father's Day.....
"Hey rachie how comes you no got a daddie?"

"I don't know, but mommy says that daddy was being bad so we had to go away and once he became goods again he can come back, for me!"-r

"Oh well if it makes you better, I don't gots a daddy also"-f

"Oh well maybe that makes us even bestest friends!!!"-r

"Yes bestest friends forever!!!!!" -f

Dad never became good or came back. Finn on the other hand he stayed, something which was so unfamiliar to me.

Author note
I posted this yesterday but something went wrong. So here it is today, hope you like it!!!!! Please leave comments and spread the word of this new book. For the record this has NOTHING to do with GLEE except for the characters.

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