Oh hello

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Rachel POV
I got on the Cheerios!!!! I'm the new head cheerleader. I'm so happy now me and Santana are cheerleaders together!!! I have to tell Kurt! Kurt's Finn stepbrother, I was there for the wedding since our families are so close they got married last year. Finn had invited Quinn, so they were together while I was stuck with Ron, Finns obnoxious cousin. See she even ruined Burt and Carole's wedding for me! Whatever the past is in the past. But it's strange right after Finn and I stopped talking to each other Kurt started hanging around more which is weird. Whatever not my problem. It's time for practice and I'm so excited and nervous because it's my first one and that means all the football players are going to be watching. Most girls on the team are sluts, so I try to avoid them. As I'm walking with Santana in the locker room someone pushes me.
"Hey what was that for!"I yelled at whoever it was and I instantly regretted it.
"That's for stealing my spot! And don't you dare get any ideas on stealing my man!" Quinn yelled
Santana was about to go all Lima heights on her but I put my arm in from of her
"First of all, I earned this, not my fault you suck, second, I'm an honorable person and wouldn't try to steal your man, and third, I hate your man" I yelled and soon enough everyone was gathered around while whispering. pretty sure everyone's going to be talking about this during lunch. Quinn stormed out and we went on with our cheer.
*lunch time
As I'm waiting in line all the girls are death glaring me and all the guys look like they want to get in my pants, ew, Puckerman just winked at me! Once I pay with Santana we go to our usual table and Kurt runs to the table with Mercedes and says
"Is it true that you slapped Quinn because she tried to talk to you peacefully on why you stole her spot?" Kurt rambled
"Yeah, everyone's talking about it some say you punched her too," Mercedes said all excited
As I was about to answer, an angry Finn walks over and pulls me from the table into the auditorium
"Umm..hello I was eating?!!" I yelled at him, that jello was delicious and now I don't get to finish it!
"How could you do that too her Rachel? I thought you were better than that"finn asked angry
"Are you freaken kidding me? First time you talk to me in a year and it's about the lie your girlfriend spread about me? How can you believe that garbage that comes out of her mouth!" I yelled right back at him
"Hey that's my girlfriend Rachel!" Finn said
"Well good for you Frankenteen," I said while walking out
"We're not done talking"finn said holding my arm
"Oh yes we are because your "perfect" girlfriend is a liar who pushed me and you'll never believe what I say because you don't care about me so what's the point" I said now frustrated, god what does he want from me! I'm leaving but before I can I hear him say..
"That's not true, I sent Kurt to look out for you after we stopped talking, which means I do still care about you!" I turned around because..what the hell??!!!!
"You what?!!! You sent Kurt to spy on me?what the hell Finn, it's called privacy!!! God nosey much!!" Now I'm furious, I didn't spy on him while we stopped talking!
"I'm sorry I knew you'd be pissed and you wouldn't talk to me after I was being an ass so I needed to send Kurt to protect you for me" Finn sighed
"And you had the nerve to come and yell at me without listening to what I have to say while you've been spying on me the whole time! God Finn you really are an ass" I said while this time leaving the auditorium. I was walking out toward the cafeteria now.
"Kurt you're a little Benedict Arnold, so you're dead to me" I said
"He told you! He said he just wanted to see how you were doing after you stopped talking for a little while and then he'd quit bugging me about information on you" Kurt pleaded
"It's October" I smiled and grabbed Santana and left, the whole way to the auditorium Santana had a mouth wide open and as soon as we sat down she said
"What the hell happened" so I told her everything
"Damn B, what an ass" before I knew the bell had rung to go home, wow me and San sure talk a lot
"I know right!" I said as we got up and were giggling and we saw Finn. I tried running but, too late he already saw us. Santana quickly walked away
"Wait San! You're my ride home" She was already gone, and I had mumbled the last part
"I could drive you home if you want"-Finn said all sympathetic
"No thanks I'd rather walk" I said
"Come on quit being so stubborn" I stopped walking and turned to him
"What do you want Finn" I said with an angry straight face
"I want to say I'm sorry for being an ass, and I want you to forgive me for everything, because I miss my best friend" I looked into those hazel eyes that I've always adored and I was about to say yes when I remembered why we stopped talking in the first place, Quinn would never approve and he's too sweet to say no to her.
"I'm sorry Finn, but no" his face instantly dropped with sadness
"Why not"-Finn said sad
"Because your girlfriend hates me and she'd never approve of our friendship" I said now all sad
"You've been my best friend since forever, I don't care what Quinn says anymore, forever and always remember" Finn said while smirking his cute half smile and holding out his pinkie. How can I say no to this? Plus he's right, screw Quinn he's my best friend!

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