I'm pregnant

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Rachel POV
Finn and I haven't really talked since the kiss. today I'm just going to tell him the kiss was a mistake, because let's face it it was

Finn POV
Today I break up with Quinn, but before I do I need to talk to Rachel.

"Finn um hey, yeah I just wanted to tell you that the kiss" Rachel didn't even finish because Finn said
"Yeah me too, sorry go on"-f
"That kiss was a mistake" Rachel said looking down and then ran away before Finn could react, she didn't want to know what he would say.

Finn POV
I know she's lying, she was looking on the ground, whenever Rachel lies she stares at the ground or somewhere other than the persons face. I'll talk to her later after I've broken up with Quinn so I need to find her. Wait she's talking with a cheerleader. Now's my chance to do it. The sooner I break up with her the faster I get to be with Rachel.
"Hey Quinn we need to talk" I told her so she can realize it's urgent
"Can't you see I'm in a conversation? Whatever it is it can wait" she said
"No, Quinn it can't because I'm breaking up with you" I said and the other girl walked off and Quinn turned to me with her fake crying and said the worst words of my life
"You can't because I'm pregnant and it's yours" she sobbed
"Wait but we never did it?" Finn questioned still not buying it
"When we were in the hot tub?"she said
Now Finn was really confused Quinn never invited him to her hot tub no matter how much he begged. So this only means two things she's lying and not pregnant at all or she cheated on him.
"Quinn you never let me in your hot tub remember?" Finn said with an eyebrow raised
"Oops" she said instantly stopping her crying.
"Gosh I can't believe you, at least tell me who it was with". Finn said deafened but not mad
"Wait you're not even a little bit mad?" She questioned
"Nope, because I never loved you, I love Rachel" Finn replied satisfied with his answer
"Hat if I tell you it was puck" she smiled crossing her arms
"Then I would hate to be him" Finn said while walking away to find Rachel to tell her the good news

Rachel POV
I ditched school and went to the treehouse. I know Finn won't be here because he's probably off making out with Quinn, his girlfriend. I was walking around staring at the engravings across the wall, there was one that stood out it said , F.H.+R.B. Forever and always. That's strange I don't recall what those stand for, or who wrote them. But then I heard a strange noise, so I grabbed one of my old baby dolls and hit the extremely tall figure in the head.
"Owwww, rach it's me!" Finn yelled
"Omg I'm so sorry!are you ok" I asked while grabbing his face in my hands to see if I bruised anything
"I am now" he replied smiling at me
"I broke up with Quinn today" he said smiling I felt bad but I was more happy than sad
"I'm so sorry Finn I hope it's not cause of me" I kind of feel bad though
"Nah, it's cause puck knocked her up, and I love someone else" he replied, ha karma's a bitch Quinn!
"Who's the other person you love?" I asked curious to know, but I think those engravings gave him away
"I'm staring right at her " he said now inches away from my face
"Really she's quite a lucky girl" I whispered cause he was so close then he whispered back
"More like I'm the lucky guy cause I get to do this"
then he leaned in and smashes his soft lips against mine and I started grabbing his face with mine and we were making out for possibly five minutes. I stepped back for air and showed him the engravings and said
"I'm thinking this girls initials are R and B" i said smirking
"Yea and I was hoping she would be my girlfriend"Finn asked with his half smile
"Well...let me think about it.....hmmm" I was pretending to think and them I said
"Well she says...." he was leaning in with his mouth open and smiling
"YES!" I said and he spun me around

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