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"And, that is how grandpa saved grandma" I told my grandchildren
"Tell it again Nana" Lucy and Zach said in unison, they were twins and acted as one
"No, Nana's tired" I said getting up from the love seat
"Awwww, pwease Nana" little George asked
"Come on kids let Nana go" my eldest daughter, lily told her children
"Ok, bye nana! See you in the morning!" The kids yelled getting all their belongings
"Thanks again mom, I know know hard it is to take care of all these kids with dad"

My son Lucas hugged me taking his son in the stroller with his wife Pamela out the door. I hugged back and Finn came jogging in.

"See you soon Son" Finn said hugging his only son
"Right back at ya dad" Lucas chuckled
"Ya we'll swing by tomorrow" my youngest daughter Zoey said hugging us
"Yes bye ma, bye pa" lily yelled walking out with the rest of her siblings
All the children had left with their children. It was just me and Finn in this big house sitting on the couch holding hands. After thirty years of marriage and we still act as if we just got married yesterday. We were just staring at the pictures surrounding us
"We did good rach," Finn claimed
"Yea, we did, together" I said
"I love you Rachel" Finn chimed kissing my head
"I love you Finn" I replied squeezing his soft hand
smiling at him, knowing that I will always love him, no matter what

Authors note
YASSSS!!!!! I finally finished this story, I hope you enjoyed it. Please make sure to comment and vote. Also check put my other stories on my account, if you even liked this story!! Thank you everyone who commented and voted, you guys are amazballs. Ok byeeeeeee :P


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