Sleeping beauty?

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Finn POV
I'm here in a hospital staring at the love of my life sleeping an a coma. She sacrificed herself for me. I was the one who was supposed to protect her and now because of me she's in a coma. Here's what happened
Rachel falls to the ground clutching her heart area. Another officer shoots at Jesse multiple times, killing him. Santana sees and moves the women examine her wounds and runs toward Finn holding Rachel's wound while crying. Santana starts crying hysterically.
"Rachel stay with me!" Finn yells while a bunch of med people are rushing toward her
Santana puts her hand on her mouth and starts sobbing seeing a once white wedding dress turn red.
//present time//
Santana POV
The news went crazy when the cops found the two missing teens and the other presumed dead teen was really alive. My whole family was waiting outside the police station and they rushed to me hugging me and crying. When Rachel got shot they didn't let me go with her only Finn. I still cried happy that I got to see my family after so long. I asked my mom if I can see Rachel because I told her everything that happened except the part where Finn is alive and the fact that I was sexually abused by jesses henchmen. I was missing for five months, it felt so much longer down in that hole. I saw Britney, they let her out of the hospital turns out she had a mental breakdown. Rachel and me being gone really affected people, especially when "Finn died".

Finn POV
I went with Rachel to a private hospital where no one would bother us. The cops didn't let Santana come, so she went home. My mom received the news yesterday that I was alive and she came to see me along with Kurt and Burt. Since Rachel has no one left they understood when I said no to coming home. Kurt made the cops clear my name so no one ends up hating me for faking my death. I haven't left Rachel's side since we arrived.
"Knock, knock" Santana said quietly as she entered with flowers
"Hey" I said unenthusiastic
We were sitting in comfortable silence for about ten minutes when she said
"For a room full of cops they sure sucked at doing there job" she said with a bit of anger
"Yea I know, but I still feel like it's my fault, I should be on this bed not her" I sort of yelled
"Finn, it's not your fault, she choose to do it" Santana said soothingly
After talking for about ten minutes Finn said
"You know she looks like that one disney princess she loved, all peaceful and sleeping and stuff,"
"Sleeping beauty?" Santana said in a obvious mocking tone
"No, her favorite, Snow White" Finn replied
"You really love her don't you?" Santana said
"With all my heart" he replied holding Rachel's hand
"Where am I? What happened?"
"Sweetie you were shot"
"I'm so sorry, you've been through so much baby girl"
"What's going on?"
"You're dying Rachel"
"What? but I don't want to die!"
"I know baby that why you have to choose"
Shelby held out a blue cast and a pink ribbon with a star
"What this?"
"Your future" Shelby said smiling
Rachel hesitantly was about to get the ribbon, unaware of what the blue cast meant but then she remembered it was what made her and Finn to become best friends and fall in love, when he broke his arm in kindergarten. She looked at her mom as she grabbed the blue cast.
"Goodbye my baby girl, make good choices, I love you so much, never forgot who you are" Shelby said as a bright light was quickly taking over
"I love you mom"
Finn POV
I hope she wakes up soon, I don't want her to die because she tried protecting me. I need my best friend

Santana POV
I hope she wakes up soon, I can't let her die because of stupid Jesse. I need my best friend.

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