I'm sorry

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Previously on I love YOU:
"I don't care I need to see her" Finn said pushing past the evacuating nurses
"Who are you" Rachel asked
"Wait what do you mean, do you not remember me?" Finn asked while holding her hand
"That's what we were trying to tell you she has memory lost" the nurse said in the doorway then Finn walked over to her
"What do you mean memory lost, when is she gonna get it back?!" Finn yelled
"We don't know" the nurse said sadly
"It's possible she may never get her memories back, when she fell she hit her head pretty hard, and she lost a lot of blood, which made it harder for her" the other nurse walking in said while also saying
"She doesn't know where she is, or who she is let alone you" the nurse that walked in said while changing Rachel's IV bag.
"We'll leave you too alone" the nurse in the doorway said while dragging the other one away
Finn walked over to Rachel with a sad face holding her hand again. She looked so confused.
"You really don't remember anything rach?" Finn asked sad
"I'm sorry, whoever you are but I don't know who rach is! Go find her in another room maybe she's there!" Rachel yelled confused while pulling her hand away
"Your rach, that's short for your name Rachel" Finn replied holding his hands in his lap now. As soon as he said that Rachel started crying and through the tears she said
"I can't even remember my name! I'm so pathetic! I don't know who I am, and you seem like such a nice guy, and I feel so horrible" Rachel yelled crying into her hands
"Hey, you're not pathetic, you just can't remember anything right now, but we'll figure it out together,... and I know who you are" Finn said hugging her and whispering the last part. Rachel pulled away and said
"You're a nice guy..." Rachel replied waiting for him to say his name
"Finn, Finn Hudson," Finn replied smiling then Rachel kind of zoned out
Rachel POV
I was about to shake this Finn guys, hand when a like little flashback hit me
Yea I know little bossy girl!!"
At this point I was mad cause I don't like being called names
"My name is RACHEL BERRY!!! You poopy head!"
"Hey that's not my name!!! "
A little Latina girl passed by and said
"Yes it is" and walked away
"NOO!! It's Finn Hudson!!!"
"Whatever finny, I'm supposed to help your clumsy butt now!"
"I don't want your help!"
"I don't care, teacher told ME to help YOU!! So ur stuck with me!!"
"Whatever bossy berry" Finn mumbled I smacked his arm and replied
"That's not my name!"
"Owwww fine MISS RACHEL BERRY!!"
"Thank you"
//end of flashback//
"Rachel are you ok??" Finn asked staring at me
"I remember who you are!" Rachel said smiling
"Really! That's great" Finn was about to say something else
"You're the clumsy kid who fell off the monkey bars!" Rachel replied happy that she remembered something
"Rach, is that all you remember about me?" Finn asked sad
"Yea, why? Are we best friends for forever and always?" Rachel replied sarcastically then Finn said
"Yea... How did you know the forever and always part?" Finn asked a little bit confused
Then Rachel went serious and she looked at her bed with a confused face
"I don't know, it just kind of came out" she replied looking up at Finns face
Then she heard a loud screech
"AHHHHH, Rachel you're awake!!! You don't know how.." Kurt started rambling when Finn yelled because Rachel didn't hug Kurt back and she looked so confused and scared
"KURT!" Finn yelled
"What?" Kurt asked
"Rachel, what's wrong?" Santana asked confused
"She doesn't know who we are, because she barely knows who she is" Finn said looking at Kurt and Santana, whose faces instantly dropped
"Oh" was all they could say
"I'm sorry" Rachel said in a small voice looking down at her hands
"No, sweetie, it's not your fault" Kurt said while the three of them hugged her
before visiting hours closed the doctor walked in
"Ok Rachel, you are free to leave tomorrow, just check in with is every month so we can see how your doing" then with that the doctor left
"Visiting hours are closing" a grumpy nurse walked in looking at Finn because San and Kurt had already left
"Um...can he stay here?" Rachel asked
"Fine, just don't make too much noise" the nurse walked out mumbling
"You tired, you need anything, I can get you water.."
"Finn! Calm down" Rachel said smiling at how sweet he is
"Sorry" Finn said doing his half smile and blushing
"So why did you want me to stay? It's 8:35 at night" Finn asked curious
"You seem to be the only one who triggers my memory and since we've been best friend since we were little I figured you know the most about me, so tell me about...me" Rachel said while shrugging the last part
"Well I think you've had enough of a day, and you should get some sleep, I'll tell you everything you want to know tomorrow when we pass by your house" Finn said pulling the blanket over Rachel
"Nope, sleep" Finn said then Rachel rolled over facing Finn and said
"Were we more than friends"  she asked while looking into his hazel eyes
"Yes" he said then he went to the chair to sleep
"Wait, here" Rachel said scooting over to make room for Finn on her bed, he hesitantly went in the bed. She ended up pulling closer to him and he wrapped her arms around her as she fell asleep
Finn POV
It makes me sad she thinks we're only best friends, so when she asks if we were more I had to say yes. We were soulmates and as I'm watching her sleep, not creepy at all might I add, I see she's wearing the engagement ring I gave her, I really hope she remembers.

Rachel POV
I feel really bad for that gay kid, what was his name, Zurt? Furt? Burt? I don't know and that Sandra girl. Although I don't know what it is but I have these feeling toward Finn, but I don't know who he is, other than a childhood friend. I asked him if we were more than friends because he's really protective and attentive of me, something only people who were together would do right? Also I have a ring on my finger and I don't know what it means, I hope I remember my life, and soon.

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