1 💜 Trinity

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We've been talking about it for weeks. The woman, in the club. The one who took my toy...

'I want it back Daddy,' I told you over breakfast the next day.

'She shouldn't have taken it, you gave it to me. Not her,' I said to you, before bed that night.

Then the next morning, I still couldn't get it out of my head, 'Do you think she's wearing it? Do you think her partner plays with it while she wears it?'

And on it went. For weeks. This obsession, with my toy, and what she might be doing with it. And how it was mine, not hers.

Then, one night laying beside me in the dark, you flicked the lamp on, rolled onto your side, facing me, and said, 'Violet, it's ok.. If you want your toy back, I can get it for you.'


'Her partner gave me his number that night.'

'But why would he do that?'

'She wants to play.'

'But why didn't you tell me?'

'Because I needed to be sure that this is something you wanted to experiment with. I didn't what to push you into anything.'

'But I just want my toy back.'

You leaned up onto one elbow, smiled as you looked at me, and said...

'If you want your toy back, I can get it for you. If you want a new toy to play with, I can get her for you, and we can play with her together. Like last time, on the dance floor.'

I turned onto my side, facing you, and said, 'Is that what you want? You want to play with her? Do you like her...More than me?'

'Violet, you're my Little One, and you will always be my favourite. You know that. But sometimes you need more than just me. You get different things from different people, as do I. We agreed that at the beginning. But if you want to play with this woman, I can make that happen, and I can be there for you.'

'Oh. I thought I just wanted...'

'Your toy back. Yes, but we both know it's more than that.'

'What do you mean?'

You ran your hand over my cheek, stroked my bangs out of my eyes, and said, 'You've started wearing the shade of lipstick she wears. Started fiddling with your hair the way she does. Bought a dress, the same as the dress she wore that night.'

I blushed a shade of crimson impossible to hide, even in the dim lamplight.

You pulled me to you, wrapped me tight in your arms,
and said, 'It's ok, Little One. I've got you. I've always got you.'

'Yes, but... Daddy, what if...' but I couldn't get my words out to explain my fears. How could I tell you that I'm always worried I'm not enough. That you'll find someone more sophisticated, more confident, more wild.

'What if?' You asked, 'Come on, Little One. Use your words. It's ok. You know you can tell me anything.'

'But...' I said, my tongue getting tied into knots again.


'Does that mean you'd kiss her?'

'Not if you don't want me to.'

'Does it mean you'd fuck her? I don't want you to fuck her. Not her pussy anyway.'

'Her ass?' I heard the smile in your voice. It made me smile too.

'Yes, her ass is ok.' I said and giggled. Then a thought struck me. 'But what about her Dom? Won't he be hurt if he's not invited?'

'No, Baby. He won't be hurt. He's different from me,
and you, and her. She has needs, like you. But he can't fulfill them for her. He doesn't understand her that way.'

'But why is she with him?'

'Oh, sweetheart, not everyone can be free like you. She might need him in other ways, ways that you don't understand. They probably make each other happy in every other way. Maybe the price she pays, for the other things he gives her, is finding her kicks from other people.'

'Wow. That must be difficult.'

'I think it probably happens more than we know.' You said, and I wondered how she could live with a man who doesn't fill her in all the ways.

Then I remembered that you and I have other partners too. That sometimes I need to be in a different kind of dynamic. With a different kind of a person. And that you do too.

I never ask much about your other girls. I figured I could let your wild horses run free, without watching from the sidelines.

Sometimes we discus my partners - if you sense I'm getting sad, you always ask what's going on. I attract dangerous company from time to time.

But with her, it would be different. We'd both see each other with someone else. 'How would it be, Daddy? What if I get jealous? What if you do?'

You held me tighter, kissed the top of my head, and said, 'Why don't we set up a time for her to call you. Then you can discuss what you want to do, with her, and after that, we can talk more. If you're happy we can meet her. No pressure on anyone. If something happens, it happens. If it doesn't, we meet a like minded person, have a couple of drinks, go our separate ways.'


That was two weeks ago. I've spoken to Roxy several times on the phone since. We haven't discussed what we're going to do tonight. Just that we'll meet for drinks, the three of us, and see what happens from there.

She asked me tons of questions on the phone, about my work and my ambitions. About my boss, and how I should apply for his job. She seems to think I can do anything. She's a bit like you. Assumes I'm capable.
Doesn't realize that I'm flying by the seat of my pants most of the time. Or that I'm winging it, in a job I have no qualifications for. I have no idea why they keep promoting me, it was only ever supposed to be a short term thing.

I wonder how it will work tonight. Her being so alpha,
and you, well, we know about you.... Alpha doesn't begin to cover it.


For once in my life I'm early. You smile as you open the front door, pull me in gently and walk me down the corridor to the living room, motioning to the sofa, and handing me a gin and tonic.

The whole place is immaculate. You're wearing a suit. You look even taller dressed this way. You must be expecting something to happen, because you're wearing your dress shirt with no cuff links. That means you think you made need to take it off quickly.

I sit on the sofa. You sit opposite me. Smiling, as I fidget.

Ten minutes later, you murmur, 'She's here.'

'How do you know?' I ask.

'I can feel her. Smell her.'

'From the end of the corridor and the other side of the door?'

The doorbell rings and I jump in my seat, as you smile.
I'm like a cat on a hot tin roof tonight, and you're like a wolf in a lair, playing with your prey. Toying with it, waiting to see, if it jumps this way..or that. Knowing it will always land at your feet.

You stand, take my hand and pull me behind you, down the corridor, to the front door, then open it. I stand behind you. It doesn't feel like you're a wolf now, it feels like you're a Daddy. Shielding me. Protecting me.

You both make small talk as I peep at her from behind you, like a shy teenager, whose cat has run off with her tongue.

You turn, smile at me, then walk down the corridor, with both of us following you...

Continued in the next episode.

For Hendrick's (Dom) perspective of this story, take a look at aGentcalledHendricks

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